Thursday, February 17, 2005

Mc Donald's made me fat

Only when Mc Donalds makes it to your neighbourhood do you realise that you have made it. let's face it,they provide convience to many parents cooking meals on weekends. I am not a parent and don't consume a lot of their food,nonetheless I have and will continue to advocate Mc's. I don't have a weight problem and by the looks of things may never have one, maybe cholestrol my be a bit high. Where do we get off when we sue Ronny for making us fat? Was society ambushed and force fed the Big Mac for the last 3yrs or was there a famine and the only available food was junk food.
Let's get one thing straight,Mc Donalds doesn't make anyone fat, overeating is the culprit. The Western culture is full of fat people(call them overweight,who cares fat is fat). To my understanding there are those among us who have gland problems and can't help but gain weight. It has been suggested that it's not their fault, I am not a Dr and can't refute these claims yet. Majority of the obese people aren't ill or suffering from the so called low metabolic rate condition. Does it take a PhD student to know that eating too much junk can leave you succesptible to gtting fat or less harshe overweight. Hell! To much of any food will make you fat or sick. There is a joke that some people are too short for their weight,ha ha ha (the health system aint laughing). Total bull if you ask me.
Back to Mc, what idiot will sue Ronny for making them fat,don't you realise that they fry their food? Don't tell me they have a new way of making fries by using water instead frying in grease/oil. God! French fries, fries means contact with fat. In our case french fries, is like having chips with your oil. Have an occassional treat over the weekend or during those hectic days, junk food on some days will not kill. God I hope not.
Sue Mc, if I were a lawyer I'd offer free services to the Franchise and in return get the weekend all you can eat at any restaurant with the golden arcs. People, grow up and get over it, over-indulgance in junk food will make you fat. A large big mac,large fries and diet coke will not cut it. What the hell is the diet coke for? If you're oveweight, cut down on the junk intake and have a fruit salad for dessert once in a while. Take a walk to the corner store that is 1km away, it doesn't kill you. You might even be chased by a territorial bird when you walk by its tree and get a cardio workout. God knows we could use some cardio......
Some people want them (fast food) banned,what the hell is capitalism? I believe it's the idea that any individual can make it,Mc saw an opportunity and took it. Let's be China and ban every freedom we enjoy,back to basics and enrol every citizen in the navy for atleast 3yrs, that'd get us all in shape I bet.
Grow up people
Kman productions


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