Thursday, February 17, 2005

Bizzare Law

Last week I came across an article in the paper that shocked me, nothing does anymore (maybe the site of a cockroach which is besides the point). An council in America was considering fining people for exposing their underwear in public. Basically no individuals will be allowed to sag in public, unless their undies don't show. I for one need to express my surpise at the lenghts some individuals have gone to have this tabled in the councils chambers. Do you wake up and think, "am tired of seeing boxers in public"?
Lets get something straight, I don't enjoy the sight of G-strings every time a woman drops a coin or is trying to fix her shoes. I also don't torelate some bloke with his pants so low that they are more on the floor than on but who am I to pass a law banning this? I wonder whether there will be a ban on swim wear, or is this just targeted at men (boys to be precise). Pass this law and you need to pass laws against bikinis at the beach too. I could make a complain that the sight of women in no more than strings is disturbing to me and request my local councillor to table a motion at his next meeting. What are councils doing, aren't they employed to run the city? Now they are the fashion police, soon wearing too much bling will be deemed dangerous to drivers; too much reflection of the sun.
I couldn't get the url for these article but rest assured I a working on it. I will find the damn link and you can all see for yourselves what the next generation councils are up to. My guess some old person or up tight individual got tired of his/her kids asking for oversized clothes and ran for office,won and now is taking us by the zip. Soon these will go into the nation parliament/congress of whatever body makes laws in your country. Imagine all if us in Harvad style dressing,wouldn't that bad afterall. Save me a lot of money in the fashion aspects, on seconds thoughts pass the damn law worldwide.

kman productions


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