Saturday, March 31, 2007

Never Say

It's the end of the year and assesments are due, like most of us you're not really confident but yet you've worked hard. In the course of the session, you've had days when you slacked off and days when you gave 120%; that's life. Before the exams you are aware that you've done everything possible to study, you are prepared (or so you think). The exam comes along and you aren't so sure anymore, some questions are more than you can handle. The irony of it is you've studied hard, sacrificed so much to try and get somewhere later in life. As life has it, the assesmenet throws you a curve ball and everything isn't going according to plan. As God is your witness you've worked hard, you know it, everybody knows it.

Relationships seems to be the same, you work so hard to try and make things work and somehow life in it's cruel self throws you a curve ball. In all your attempts to get back in the game you realise your team mates have lost hope and some wouldn't be bothered anymore. As you see it, you could be wrong but halfway through the game, they lost hope. Have you ever watched a team of losers plays, somehow regardless of how the coach tries to motivate them, they've decided to lose. In this situation there is nothing anyone can do, you could hold a gun to their heads but they've already decided they aren't gonna play. I've given everything I could, sacrificed so much trying to get my team back to the game. Sleepless nights sometimes and nightmares wondering how to revitalise the team. Hope has slipped away and anguish is all that is left, the team has be disbanded and nothing but the former glory exists (if ever there was any). Let is never be said that I never sweat for the team, bleed for the team and was willing to die for the team. I guess sooner or later one finds out whether the team has hopes of evre gaining the former glory. All that remains are but bitter memories, teams are beconing but it takes time before one can resume competittion. Somewehere one has hope that a white knight can save the team, only dreams remain and maybe a grain of hope and caution. Learn your lessons when you can and hope not to make the same mistakes twice, thrice if you're a complete moron.

Watch a group o fplayers with nothing but the pride to play for, now this is team you want to gun for. We all want a team we can join, one that is willing to tak eyou in and work with you to better themselves and yourself. If only life was so simple
Kman Productions...........................

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Nosal stuff

A simple cough while traveling by public transport doesn't raise as much as an eyebrow, cough three or four times and people may think that you're clearing your throat. Picture yourself on a bus and the person sited adjacent to you has an obvious cold, maybe they are just suffering from hay fever like I do, rather used to. It begs to reason that maybe I never did have hay fever, Summer has just past and I didn't get ill nor did I react to any of the pollen; another story back to the bus setting. The boy next to me is obviously not having a good day, it lunch time and he's heading home. I assumed he'd been asked to go home to rest and avoid infecting the rest of his class. In my hay fever episodes I always knew that tissues were inevitable, invested in a packet that would constantly be in my bag. I guess this kid didn't get the memo on Kleenex day, one sneeze and am ready to get off at the next bus stop. I can't afford to be ill, it reduces my earning capacity since my role is people oriented, all the way.

When was the last time you sat down and observed a child 3-9 years of age? Am asking when the last time some psycho opted to spend the day at the park staring and perverting, just sat down with one of your mates who has a child. In most cases the child will eat dirt, play with dirt, cook dirt cookies and best of all pick their nose. Adults do it too, when they think now one is watching some will pick their nose oblivious to the present company. Tissues were invented for a reason, at least that is what I've fooled myself into believing. Imagine my horror when I am in a bus and a car pulls up, a lady in a power suit (am assuming is going to broker a big deal with her clients, or maybe she could be all dressed up to go clean the park, besides the point). From the bus I can see into her car and she however seems oblivious to our presence. Slowly but sure she lunges into her nose, wiggles her finger for a good minute maybe two and then, my world changes. The sediments on her finger find their way on the steering wheel, at least pretend to be checking for a nose bleed or something. I'd think that what's in your nose is meant to remain in there, unless accompanied by a 'hankie' or the ever reliable Kleenex; if your struggling a old T-shirt may come in handy, the inside of your blouse has also been known to work (in dire needs only).

The boy in the bus has a bad case of a runny nose, allergies can do that (I know that, as I said before). This boy however seems to be short of Kleenex and the next best thing is crouch facing the window, as if we are not noticing the new crouching tiger sequence on the bus. Digs deep into his nostril, performs the famous finger hook maneuver and get the nasty mucus. Put your meal aside if your about to have lunch. I am not sure why I am watching this, most people would turn away (if I did, you wouldn't have this account now would you?). The now finger finds its way onto the armrest, two-four rubs have been known to transfer “gooey” from your hand to the other surface.A few more insertions and the boy was done, here comes the best part. He turns looks at me as if to await his “Golden Globe award for transfer with best effect”, then he rings the bell for his next stop.My mind at this time is marking and memorizing every surface he has touched for my avoidance and even worse marked the bus' number plates to avoid, just in case they missed washing that particular armrest.

Paranoid? Am washing my hands every time I touch a surface, maybe am pushing it but shaking hands is also suffering as I attempt to keep clean of the nose excretions. Have a happy time on the public transport system

Kman Production......................................