Sunday, April 22, 2007

Dear Friend

Dear Friend,
The last few days have been tough and I appreciate the effort you have put to cheer me up. I realize that I haven't been the best of individuals to hang around or talk to but you have held your ground. The last few weeks for me have been amongst the hardest I've faced, it's amazing I've made it this far. Life seems to have thrown a monkey wrench into my affairs, it seems like I have a feud with the forces that be. I was counting my glory days trying to organize a reunion with those that matter and this happens. I am sure I have said and done things that have tested the bonds of our friendship. Please accept my apologies for being hard headed and stubborn, I guess now you have seen every aspect of me; the good and the bad.

Dear Friend, if you are still reading this then I guess we are still friends. My heart and soul seem to have lost any will to get over the predicament, yet you stand by me. I don't know when I will resume my life, healed and functional as a friend. Dear friend, please take this note as my thank you letter. I hurt, and continue to ponder on the future. Somehow I know I will emerge victorious but it hurts, please understand. Let me be selfish during this time, I know I will be moody and sometimes really annoying. Dear friend, you don't have to be there for me but you've chosen to be there. I am waiting to see who walks away and who stays, I hope you stay and watch me soldier on.

Everything has a price and I've paid mine, more than I'd like to but I have paid the price. Dear friend, I will need some comforting on Monday, a leaning shoulder on Tuesday, a listening ear on Wednesday, company on Thursday, your encouragement on Friday, Shopping buddy on Saturday and a reminder that I've made it on Sunday. On Monday we will commence the routine all over again. Dear friend please don't utter to me "things happen for a reason", these words are not comforting. These words are a sword that go though me like an heated knife in butter. Dear friend, I know we've been through a lot and there is more to come. Give me sometime and maybe I will resume the spark I once hard, snuffed out by this ordeal I face. Dear friend, we've been through a lot and I appreciate the effort you've made. Thank you dear friend, I love you

Kman Productions......................


Blogger kman Productions said...

Now I will know who my friends are, tough but it's time to differentiate

8:10 pm, April 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, didn't know u're back to blog. :-) this is a heart warming entry. ur frens would be so touched.

take good care.


11:58 pm, April 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear friend I choose to stay and watch you soldier on coz I believe in you

8:27 pm, May 03, 2007  

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