Thursday, December 09, 2010

It's that time again

Growing up, most decisions were made for you. Aspects like, what to wear, what to eat, when to sleep were simple and mostly considered trivia. As you slowly began to mature and experience life you got the opportunity to make your version of simple choices too. University is over with, you've landed your first job and now reality kicks in. Mum and dad are no longer making the daily choices for you. They hopefully stand by your side as you forge your own future, occasionally giving their unsolicited two cents; that's parents for us. A time has come to me to finally take a stand in what I believe in, scary but has to happen if I am to move to the next step.

Matters of the heart can be the most grueling to deal with, when heart break is involved. However, very necessary or life to make sense and have meaning. Do you remember your first break-up? Your first love? First kiss? Marriage (hopefully only marriage)? You live your life as best as you can and push the boundaries far beyond that which is expected of you. You fight to keep high principles, despite the huge cost to you as a person. Sometimes it's easier to be a douche, but you've opted to be the best damn man/woman you can be.

I believe perception is very fickle, and many have opted not to live so as not to tarnish that image branded on them by others. We try our very best not to antagonize those around use where possible. However, at what point do you opt to do what is selfish for you? When is the line crossed where all you think of is your happiness and the price you need to pay to achieve it? These are questions I am facing at this stage of my life, approaching 30, career change, relationship changes, physical changes, emotional growth. Can't life simply cut me some slack, allow me to breathe easy for a year or two? Would that be too much to ask.................

Then again, it would seize to be life

Kman Productions (2010)


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