Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Strength Within

Our lives are spent trying to be the best we can be only to realise that there are situations that bring us to the very core of desperation. No matter how many books or literature we immerse ourselves in, there is that challenge you face that warrants us to give up. There is always a situation that seems hopeless and the best cause of action is doing nothing, sometimes just trying to fix it hurts even more. Pain can never be simplified by others as just a phase that will pass, pain is real and the hurt sits right in our marrow. A lesson I have come to appreciate is when we hurt, we should not try to mask or avoid it. It is painful to go through a traumatising situation, let one be little our hurt. Until recently I was of the crede, take it like a man and waltz on but life teaches us lessons. We can take heed or relieve the same lesson again and again until hopefully one day we learn (if we are lucky).

Supporting our loved ones as they struggle is one of the core aspects of being there for them; not necessarily saying anything but being there. If I can be there for you as you go through all the hell there is, you just might make it through. I think we should let our mates mourn, give them all the time they need to handle that which pains them. I think a true friend will be there even when you think you can't do it, when you've given up. I pray that I can be that kind of friend, be there for you even when you don't believe in yourself or when you've given up. I hope that you can be safe in all you do, but all in all that I can be there when it's not all merry and party. I'd love to celebrate with youu but I think the test comes in when my faith is what holds both of us, my faith and hope sees you through this stage of pain. Count yourself a friend if you can persevere for someone other than yourself, truth I've learnt in the last 5 months.

The strength within can only be experienced by hurt and pain that comes from within; I've learnt that first hand and wish it not on anyone. Be a friend to your friend and lend a shoulder when they need one, say nothing and just be there. I hope I can be a true friend in time of need, forgive me if I fail the first time. I too are learning , you are stronger than you think. You may not know it, not feel like it (you will not feel like it for a long time), but I know & have always known that you're stronger than most people. There is that edge in you, very few people have that I saw in you, that will take you through this and help heal physical,spiritual and mental

Kman Productions....................

Saturday, July 21, 2007

New Beginnings

A life time is spent trying to figure out what you want only to realise that you had before. It's amazing how we go through life and end up in the same place we started. I think life has a way of teaching us lessons that help us appreciate that which we had. Take a tour to my earlier days, say when I was 12-18yrs of age. I seem to be taking my life back to that era, 26 years of age and the feelings I had then are now easily explained. It took a long time but I think I've learnt the lesson; say what is on your heart before it's too late. How does a teenager know that what they feel is real?

Live life and after a few years you realise if the feelings you had then we real or just a burst of hormones. I've recently read a fictional book titled "The Alchemist" and my life seems to e taking a turn in the right direction. I've been superstitious but after living life through choice and destiny, there is some truth found in the basics of life. It's very true that your dreams don't have to be sacrificed for someone. Life has a way of bringing those that mean the world to you back into your life. I love the way my life has taken a few turns and it's taken a long heart ache to realise that I ha it all. Long before I was heartbroken I had it, there was a crew of friends looking out for me and I'd missed it.

This time round I need to find out for sure what this means and whether this was ever going to b sanctioned by nature or not. Can something come out of a trip am making soon or have I had a friend to the very end?

Kman Productions.....................

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Egg Shell

Friends in most instances are well meaning in what they do, doesn't mean they are right. It's amazing how being single now has me aligned to a certain crowd and all meetings are orchestrated to avoid the two of us being in one place together. For a while it was hard and I pulled away from my friends just to avoid being in that awkward environment, the Ex and myself in the same place. It was for the better one would hope, 2 months I stayed away from my friends just to avoid situations that some friends seem to think I can't handle. It's amazing how moving to a higher level you realize after mourning is done, you are stronger than your friends seem to think you are. Some advise to friends, I am past the point of caring what the other does and if anything pity the other party that seems to think am still in mourning. This was probably the one of the best lessons I learnt and it's sad that some friends don't see it. You try to move on and friends act in a manner that puts the monkey right on your back. I am past that relationship and sadly of all people don't seem to want me to get on with my life. Everything am doing is being pulled down by peoples attitude and decisions they seem to be making for me.

There are 4 people that have understood my development from hitting rock bottom to being halfway to the top of the world. Ladies and gentlemen, let me lay emphasis on these words "Choose who you wonna hang out with, am past wanting to have friends that pull me down". I've moved on and after tonight will not associate myself with that past relationship ever. If you want to keep reminding me of the loss, you too might as well join the wagon and kiss my ass. I don't need such people as I garner what it mine and take over. I have one piece of paper to sign and for those that want to stay in the past, this is where we part ways. Don't hang onto someone that doesn't seem to understand what is at stake and not teachable. I don't need to be treated like am an egg, I was 2 months ago that was in May. July is here and you poor bastards that don't stay in touch, May is long gone.

Kman Productions.......