Friday, September 18, 2009

My Race

At what point did the colour of your skin determine who you were? I’d love to believe that we are in a age where colour or creed shouldn’t stipulate what you are subjected to. However, it is naïve of me to hold strong to such a notion or even desire. I try to avoid any race related conversations that may highlight my increasing discomfort when one group is elevated to be superior to another. At this point and time, after watching another of those movies that highlighted the plight of African Americans in the USA back in the 1950s, The Express I may need to refresh the glass.

In Kenya, I grew up in a small town where your status was irrespective of tribe, colour, family wealth, parents’ occupation, or even how cute your sister was. The only differentiator when I was growing up was how good you were on a soccer pitch, how well you could dance with the ball determined your charm with the ladies i.e. I was aged 9-14. Fast forward to now, am 28 years and all that seems to have changed. My colour in some instances has required that I work twice as hard as my counterpart, just to prove myself as equally capable if not a little better than my peers.

As a black man, in a western world there seems to be the added push to be the best at everything I put my thoughts to. Is this just in my head, or am I actually expected to be better? Obama in now president and some of my people seem to believe that this is a better world for the black man. I am not quite sure, because this in my opinion, takes us to the same page as 100 years ago. Why is it that every time I make a decision that is wrong, I am excused because of the fact it could be a cultural influence? When an Asian colleague of mine blunders, his culture is brought into place and all is excused. However when an Aussie counterpart opts for the same decision, wrath is brought upon him like hell just lost the bet against the Man upstairs. At what point do we have a level playing field, and your results decide who is the better man or woman.

At what point did my race, colour or creed determine how I am to be treated in society? Work hard, do right in your circle of influence, push for excellence from yourself, and for goodness sake leave the rest of that rubbish out for those who have the time to discuss why your colour dictates your effectiveness.

Kman Productions……………………………