Friday, February 18, 2005

Dieting my ass

How many times have you been told that what you eat insn't good for you? I am tired of people thinking that just because some celebrity has endossed some diet we should all get on it. Children have now been forced to take up skim milk, can't they bun the 'fat' like the rest of us. We are now well equiped with calorie calculators every time we go shopping. Lets get facts straight, true there is a majority of western citizens who are obese/fat. This has led to a new industry that I will call 'diet facade empire', every meal has a low in something on the label. For most of the meals, 'reduced fat' is added to the label. I have seen supermarkets change from normal stock to stocking everything from reduced fat to fat free and even now 1% fat. whatever fat content you are after, you will not be dissapointed.
My biggest worry is that most people are ignorant and taking this diets to the extreme. My own family has on individual who doesn't take fat, period. I am worried to see salad being consumed daily, lemon water for breakfast topped with watermelon. For lunch two tea spoon of food and then in the afternoon a shake of some sort. No food s eaten past certain times and supplements have taken over what used to be the pantry cupboards. I pose the question, is this normal behaviour or should brace ourselves for an anorexic in the family (not my nuclear family, we all hog like pigs,civil pigs that is). Going out with friends is a no no, for there might be fatty foods served. What will one night of finger food do to you? The environment might even be good for you, there may be music and you find yourself dancing. burning those dreaded calories.
One comment that broke the camel's back was being told that too much tea could make you fat. Huh? Pardon me. How much tea would I be drinking to have enough milk to make me fat? Unless I live on a farm and suckle directly off the cow with a tea bag in my mouth, there is no way to get fat. Skim milk in tea,what are we doing? Why not make the tea without water and just pour the skim milk in the kettle and boil ,then put a tea bag.
The dieting situation is so dire that one would be mistaken to think that we are inactive. Everybody is trying to be skinny and what's worse we are just getting fat. Now I am against people telling us what to eat and claiming they have the perfect diet. Aren't supplements meant for invalids, or people not getting enough in their diets. One tablet could contain the equivalent of an apple,orange maybe even an egg (eew! nasty combination). Wouldn't it be better to eat the fruits other than a pill that may have more than you need. I doubt over eating fruits will have side-effects other than maybe a sore tummy. Supplements are still being tested for long term effects and I for one will continue to eat fresh fruit. How many people use supplements daily, even doctors don't recommend this.
Let's get over the dieting fabs, cutting out on carbs is a crazy notion. How is your body meant to acquire energy, internal combustion? The minute you cut out on carbs your body will adjust adequately and once you re-introduce the carbs after the dieting season, shazaam fat. You need carbs for God's sake, don't cut out on carbs and eat proteins only. Walk to work if you can, take a walk to the shops or even a walk around the block. Hire or buy are push bike and take a ride on the weekend, cut down on the booze and maybe reduce on junk food. God help me, I hope never to take on any these diets.
My relative on the other hand has decided not to eat, trying to get a six pack at the age of 30+. Sure sitting infront if the TV after work for 6 hours daily will do wonders for the tummy, forget the 6 pack missy. Get out of the house, take a walk or something crunches can only do as much.
kman productions.......


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