Thursday, March 02, 2006

I don't care

"I don't care what people think of me”, "I don't care what people say about me". I am tired of hearing people say this, why would people be sayings things about you? Have you realized that when someone utters these statements they are defending themselves? People never say this when positive remarks are made, "I don't care that you think am well dressed". This has been my experience, most of the time people who want to do what they want will use this as their defense protocol. "I don't care .........” who are we kidding here; we do care what other people think.

Why else do we shop for the best looking garments, shoes jewellery, groom ourselves; not for ourselves. Our lives shouldn't be based on what other think or say about us but we kid ourselves when think what they say or think doesn't affect us. It's shouldn't dictate what we do, we should however consider why they are saying or thinking like they are about us. What have we done that warrants negativity? Query yourself honestly, why get so defensive when people say something, is there something to be said?

I do care what people say and think I don't live to please them but it helps me judge whether am doing the right thing. People will always talk, we can't help it; plagued. Always doing things to the extreme, just because we don't care what people think. I think the biggest trap we fall into is overdoing things to prove we don't care what others think or say about us. Is maturity doing whatever you want or is it realizing you can do what you want but chose another option? Why is this a generation where so many people can't say no? Let's go drinking, yeah why not. Let's go chick/bloke hunting, why not. You want to hit a joint, why not. Is this freedom or are we kidding ourselves? Do care why people say or think like they do about you, you could be on the wrong (yeah, you could be). On the other hand, they could be bastards that are envious of you. Take heed folks, don't kid yourself in that you don't care, you encourage rebellion on your part, and just to prove that you don't care. I care and you should too

Kman productions ............................

The price

Dreaming and hope has been credited to being one of the most crucial attributes for success, why not? How often do we verbally say that we will do this or will achieve the other, but fail to do anything about it? My goal in life was to be amongst the greatest minds in the computing world that is probably not what I crave for now. My dreams have changed as would be expected and is normal for us. The point isn't the changing of goals but the fact that there was a price tag to achieving this goal; I never paid the price and thus my goals changed. Over the last few months I have observed what I think is a plague, eating away our dreams, 'achieving by luck'.

"I wish I could be rich, I wish I could get that coat, I wish I could ........ (Whatever you may be wishing for)". Why are we so reluctant when it comes to the paying the price? Very few of us want to be in the gutter building the foundation for our future, we want to live for now and tomorrow doesn't seem to play into our planning. The reality of it all, I too have been there and it's only a few weeks since I realized I could achieve more; expand my thinking by reading about other people's triumphs and failures. There is only as much puff as we can emit before we lose it and crave quitting. Reading about others failures and successes puts things into perspective, we may fail but we can't achieve unless we risk failure. How will you achieve anything unless you attempt something? I hate failure and this has been the biggest drawback for me, I couldn't take risks even when the payoff would have been 'big'.

Inbuilt fear of failure, we will struggle with this for the rest of our lives but let's do something, even in fear. Life is strange, you may put in the effort but rip nothing materially, the mental growth however is probably better. I'd love to win the lottery, the only problem is I never but lottery tickets (how would I win? you ask). That's the point; I can't win if I am not in it. You will not get much unless you're in the game, there are no guarantees. Doing nothing guarantees you nothing, getting down to trying something has better odds than just sitting there, groaning, bitching of how you want to do great things. Give us all a break, shut the hell up and commence, do something damn it!

Develop yourself with every opportunity you get, risk something and get the adrenaline rush, fear, frustration, start small. Have you got a faulty computer, try and fix it if not, get the techs to fix it for you. You got a leak to fix, buy the necessary tools, and do something. Got some, emails to read or write, start with one a short one.

Bloody hell, let’s undertake one of our resolutions, get fit, gain weight, brush your teeth more often, mend your couch, quit smoking, start smoking, reduce on the grog, increase the grog intake, buy that fish tank, ask that guy/girl out, leave that guy/girl, apply for that job promotion, leave that job, tell her/him what you think. Do something folks, can’t be too comfortable, by all means appreciate and be thankful for what you have but desire to move forward, better yourself

Kman productions...........................