Thursday, March 02, 2006

I don't care

"I don't care what people think of me”, "I don't care what people say about me". I am tired of hearing people say this, why would people be sayings things about you? Have you realized that when someone utters these statements they are defending themselves? People never say this when positive remarks are made, "I don't care that you think am well dressed". This has been my experience, most of the time people who want to do what they want will use this as their defense protocol. "I don't care .........” who are we kidding here; we do care what other people think.

Why else do we shop for the best looking garments, shoes jewellery, groom ourselves; not for ourselves. Our lives shouldn't be based on what other think or say about us but we kid ourselves when think what they say or think doesn't affect us. It's shouldn't dictate what we do, we should however consider why they are saying or thinking like they are about us. What have we done that warrants negativity? Query yourself honestly, why get so defensive when people say something, is there something to be said?

I do care what people say and think I don't live to please them but it helps me judge whether am doing the right thing. People will always talk, we can't help it; plagued. Always doing things to the extreme, just because we don't care what people think. I think the biggest trap we fall into is overdoing things to prove we don't care what others think or say about us. Is maturity doing whatever you want or is it realizing you can do what you want but chose another option? Why is this a generation where so many people can't say no? Let's go drinking, yeah why not. Let's go chick/bloke hunting, why not. You want to hit a joint, why not. Is this freedom or are we kidding ourselves? Do care why people say or think like they do about you, you could be on the wrong (yeah, you could be). On the other hand, they could be bastards that are envious of you. Take heed folks, don't kid yourself in that you don't care, you encourage rebellion on your part, and just to prove that you don't care. I care and you should too

Kman productions ............................


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