Friday, April 13, 2007

Taking a Back Seat

Take a chill pill and relax, wait a few weeks and 'suss' out the situation. These are words that don't go well with me and probably most guys, gets me in trouble and I keep digging myself into deeper trenches with time. The simple aspect of waiting and giving time to think about situations is a procedure I am not familiar with. How many of us are used to getting answers when we want them and how we want them? I am victim of this paradigm, and it is almost costing me more than I am capable of getting back. My mind would like to sit back and relax but there seems to be two beings in me, the logical one and the other that wants it now and not tomorrow or the day after.

How does one tame the lust, demanding nature of masculinity that haunts most if not all guys? I am talking the desire not to be seen as weak in times of crisis, how do you diligently take a back seat and give the other person the space they need? I've noticed that the more I try to be strong, the worse I find myself. I've been told to simply stop trying, that is like asking a guy not to fix things; impossible? No, but it takes sometime and lots of effort, humility and strategy. I am not sure how many of us are willing to admit that it is not easy, not that it's an excuse for being a pain in the rear for the other party. Is someone able to explain to the feminine gender that as much as we try, we always want to be seen as to be doing something productive, contributing to the cause even when we are supposed to do nothing but sit back and wait. I've failed in that area and I am sure I will continue to fail as time goes by, I guess my consolation is that I've admitted to being at fault, admitted I am trying and admitted I'll probably fall back into the same mess; trying when am supposed not to.

Put it this way, if she takes you back then you know it's not that you were perfect but because she chose to do it. It had nothing to do with what you did, God knows we've burned most bridges.

Kman Productions.........................


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