Friday, September 15, 2006

He's Back

Many months pass and before you realise, it's been a year, ups, downs and exponetial plots can be made of your last year. I've been asked why I stopped writing, my response? Good question. In life there are stages, each presents different prices. The price I paid was halting this blog, what a price to pay, huh? I quit twice only to realise that the love of writing far outweighs the consequences of what I put forward. The debate is on and maybe past this weekend, narration will commence.

Finances is my next theme, now that my employer has decided to reduce my pay by more than $180 a week. Quit! You might advise, it has now crossed my mind and more inclinced to do so than stick it out hoping that they delay our signing the new contract. The AWA had been a hot topic for the country, for most of the part I couldn't be bothered, I was a professional and I had bargaining power (what an idiot). An email is sent out and no sooner than you read that you realise the financial goals have been derailed for the time being, provided you stay with the employer. You have skills that you believe are worth more than you get, what do you do? How do you get past the comfort and put yourself on the market while retaining a clean slate at work, how?

The answer is quite simple, it's hard, very hard for that matter but not impossible. The goal now is to accumulate the letters of recommedations, file them and wave them at every potential employer. Don't put yourself at the mercy of the employer, we all know they aim to pay you the least possible while maximise on your output.Dare I lie , mastermind a plot to have myself head hunted by a competitor that will offer better training and then I will corner the market and provide my services. Be my employers(plural) competitor, take a share of the cake they seem to want to take from staff

Kman Productions....................................


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cephas! Glad to see u're back! :-) Oh, I've moved to a photoblog instead. I'm running out of words. Heh! Take care, aight!

1:53 am, September 18, 2006  

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