Monday, February 06, 2006


A Danish newspapers prints cartoons that seem to mock the Muslim faith and the next thing that happens is riots in the Danish capital. Ambassadors are recalled and jihads are declared against some Danish people, all in the name of cartoons and faith. I wonder if doing the right thing always has to involve retaliation, can't anyone ever solve their problems in a civil manner? My understanding of the current society we live is really tormenting, none of us seem to want to admit wrong doing in fear of losing face. During Xmas, some newspapers may print a 'funny' cartoon depicting Jesus, some Xstians will protest, some call for blood. Majority may get offended but opt for the rational way of dealing with things, de-escalate the situation before it get's out of hand.

What if after the publishing of these cartoon, oe of the clerics rang the editor and expressed their concern? Freedom of press is another hot topic that has been debated for many years and there isn't a government willing to debate further into the extent of this freedom, the press s regarded as the government check. Challenging the press could be perceived as challenging the people's right to ask questions. I don't tolerate humiliating other religious faiths nor do I entertain mocking of religious groups. None-the- less we don't need a jihad to resolve a few misguided cartoons, boycott buying the newspaper but violence isn't going to solve anything. Whatever happened to civil disagreements and agreeing to disagree? I thought part of being human was to different and thus different opinions are formed and we take things differently. Not agreeing with you doesn't mean I have to destroy what you stand for, it simply implies we may not enjoy certain topics in conversation.

Have a cup of tea, express yourself in a civil manner, if need be boycott but just because you have the right, doesn't mean you have to exercise it. Sometimes we have to choose not to thump our liberties for the sake of peace and others. How about the responsibilities that come with these rights we have?

Kman productions


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think everyone's behaving like Bush. *_* want to be heared? -> kill. how sad. i want world peace.

1:48 am, February 22, 2006  

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