Sunday, February 27, 2005


What would we do without the annual 8 days we are prone to get sick? Most employees will get an average of a week paid sick in a year, which most don't use. I am not a believer in taking a sick day just because I went out the night before. A social life like mine is what the employers want, can do attitude and no questions asked. I bet I would do well in the military, "sir yes sir". My employer is a multi-billion dollar company, I however probably hold the lowest rank in the company;service assistant. I am the unlucky person that has to deal with customers on a day p day basis and bare the grunt of the stuff-ups from the $1.6 million dollar salary CEO and his bunch of lazy fat (89% are fat) managers.
The problem with being the slave in the organization is that after a while I lost the drive to work whole heartedly. Irony is that 4 years ago I was so dedicated that I never dreamed of seeking a transfer. I am a true believer in doing the very best in whatever job you're in,cleaner or manager (give it your best). My company has used me and a few other hard working people to ensure the company runs. Our back and muscle are what keep the company running, what do e get more work. Why is it that more initiative an employee shows,the more work they get? Promotions are given to those who don't do much, the logic is that they will lose the hard workers if they promote them. Most of my bosses don't/can't do half the work I do, they just couldn't do it, they sit in their offices and chat/gossip.
On that note I have sworn to use up all my sick days on days when I know I am the key player and my absence will be noted. Last night I went out for a few hrs and got home before midnight, enough time to sleep and rest. I however decided to teach them a lesson, am not a slave for this bastards. So before sleeping I called my store and put through my sick day fo today. I will get paid but the departrment will be in chaos for a week, what do I care. They treat us like rubbish they pay for it, we could always find slave jobs elsewhere but the managers are to blame if the stores don't perform. Suck on that employer
kman productions......


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