Tuesday, May 03, 2005

common sense isn't that common

"Use your common sense", "oh my God, that's common sense", how often have you uttered hose wrd or heard them uttured? In my few year on this earth, I have been asked a million times to employ my senses in the common way. The question however is why do you still multitudes of people still behaving like apes (maybe too harsh). Catch a bus in the morning and you will be lucky to find anyone that is jovial. Understandably none of us wants to leave the comfort of our bed, that is unless you have exams like me and can't sleep much. My main concern is aroused when the bus seats are full and people have to stand in the bus. The first standing passenger will get in, pay their fare and proceed to remain near the entrance. For some reason this is fine, next stop two more people will get in and they too will insist on lurking near the entrance. At the next stop the people there will can't make it through the aisle since passengers before don't want to move to the back of the bus.
I being the man full of common sense will try and paddle through the obstacle course of idiots lined up to get to the back of the bus. By then you'd think that they would get the picture and follow suit, how wrong. I pity the passengers who can't get into the bus and may get to work late just beacuse some idiot doesn't see the logic in moving to the back of the back. It's now like they are getting off 2 stops from their pickup, they are going to Sydney city, 30 min+ away. Hence I can conclude that common sense isn't that common. Maybe we should special classes introduced in school whose main intention is to instill in us these common senses.
You're walking along a path and their are people coming from the opposite direction, nothing amazing about that;just people walking. As you approach each other you realise that the other party will not move to their designate side of the path and two questions run through your mind. Are they gonna jump me or do they seriously think I will move onto the grass fo them? Back at home it was common courtesy to give way to another persion, that is to a resonable extent. In Sydney, Australia people don't think like that, it's a 'me' 'me' mentality and you have to give way for me. So the couple approaches and you decide for the sake of common decency to step aside as they brush by you. This isn't as annoying as the fact that un your act you have just stepped in dog Poo/shit, now you will smell of dung all day. Walk by the public park clean your second hand shoes and back to your routine, stepping aside for morons. How hard is it to keep to the left of a path. For those who have not been to Sydney, the footpath / pavement / curb is wide enough for at least two adjacent normal size people to pass without brushing each other.... Yet you will still find people that expect you to move for them, why is it that a couple holding hands expects me (just because am alone) to move aside and risk stepping on dog poo. Love might be blind but it sure isn't gonna scoop off my shoes, my suggestion remove curbs and replace them with escalators or moving curbs in opposite directions. This way you will never have to worry about landing in shit as you give way to the love birds or the overweight idiots doing their run in your space.
Kman Productions


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