Friday, March 25, 2005

Random thoughts

Today is the eve of Good Friday, doesn't seem to be that good to me anyhow. I checked my payslip to realise my store manager hasn't approved my sick leave to be paid. Pity because that money was all I had to take me through to next week. For the last few weeks and many more come, the money I make on way week takes me to the next week. Should I miss a paycheck I will not be eating nor paying rent. I can't do without my paycheck for a while. Am back to Uni and my time is dedicated to making it through this session.
Back to my boss, my company recognises that we are prone to fall ill at least 8 days a year, they even pay us for it. Now my manager wants to be a total jack ass and not approve of my sick leave. What makes it worse is that I get the feeling that he may be after me. I don't why but he may be out to say wages as much as they can. My legal right is to get paid for those 8 days and to my knowledge I don't need a doctors letter if I miss one day of work. Now not mocking the medical profession, do I need a Dr. to tell me that I am sick or not feeling well? What my boss doesn't get is that I will go behind his back and get a transfer to a different store. That was what I die last year but later the same manager was transferred to my new haven. Then it was the same old routine, I work hard and carry the lazy team members. I can't gloat and claim to be the best worker, God knows I am not even close. I however do put in more than my fair share and the more I do it the more they expect of me. The lazier of the team still get to come o work as always, we all make the same regardless and I am expected to put in more? Well sir Glenn you may have just met your much, you have gone past my threshold. I can't take this bull^%$ anymore. The union can either back me or not but I will get my fair share of sick pay. Worse of all I might seize being nice and play into their game, I can't be the mule for life. Now all I need is enough anger to draft a resume and start job hunting. I have a short course to attend this April and am hoping that will land me a job on campus, maybe I can stop working for my company. Have weekends off for once, been 5 years before I had a weekend off. I do get occasional days off but that is only because I have exams and take these to study. Coles you just messed with the wrong employee, I will play by your rules and unfortunately someone will lose. It will not be me, that's for sure.
kman productions


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