Sunday, April 03, 2005


Really bad day, took the day off to attend a one day course and it wasn’t as exciting as I thought. The day away from work was good but between learning ‘new’ things and balancing my breathing, there was little room for fun. Today I woke up feeling rather off weather and I forgot to pack my packet of tissues, bad move for a cold. Good thing is that I only sneeze and rarely get a runny nose, today however I did get a runny nose and the tissues I had weren’t going be enough. Anybody who has ever made the mistake of using hand napkin to relief your nose knows how bad they can be. For allergy sufferers, my deepest sympathy these (napkins) may solve the present discomfort but they will reap havoc on your sensitive nasal passage. For my case am very sensitive to particles in the air and the sort of tissue used has to pass rigorous quality control, ductility and tensile strength are important as you wouldn’t want the tissues to break at the worst of moments. A bit of product placement I will only use Kleenex brad f tissues and they have to be the hypo allergic type. Back to my tale of a runny nose and no tissues, it’s very embarrassing having to keep blowing your nose but then again under this circumstances there isn’t much one can do.
Now this is worse, I am sitting in day surgery at my doctor's medical center. I have just forked out $70 just to have him tell what I already know. The last time I was ill my employer refused to pay me and now I have to spend this much just to get my entitled sick leave. I have complained about this and here I am stuck paying hefty fees, speaking of which I should have been a doctor. $70 for less than 5 minutes of his time. The best I might pull at my career as an engineer might be $200 an hour, then again most of my pay will not be per the hour but per annum of per project. This may be good but will never compare to doctor's pays. I was highlighting my bad day and here I am stuck wishing I were an MD. Let's do that math for sec, $70*60/5 = 840. Take away the hefty tax and he still has at least $400 per hour. Why would anyone not want to be a doctor? Of course there is the obvious reason that we can't all be doctors and some of us will have to serve the as waiters at cafes and some collect garbage. But I hope that will not be my field, I want the money making field which may not be as an engineer. I love engineering and I would do it at almost zero pay but think about it. $400 an hour!I just might forge my degree to an MD after I get it in few months time 18months to be exact. The only problem would be how would I get the medical work experience pulled out.
There were days at my grandparents farm when I helped dock a lambs tail and I get that would help me diagnose colds and all. That just might it, my way out docking of lambs to surgery. I wonder how bad the malpractice suits against me would be? For now I hope that my insurance will reimburses me. I wonder what my employer will say if the doctor gives me the weekend off? I love my job but the boss doesn't cut anyone slack and so I will take my sick leave. I requested a few days off for sick leave and he refused, well now what can he do?
Unfortunately my wait for a doctor took more than an hour and even though I wasn't feeling good and had no option, I'd love if the govt. would do something about the shortage of medical practitioners. I used to wait for the less than 20min less than 3 years ago, now your better off booking an appointment long before you're ill. I should book my next appointment for 2 months from now.
kman productions.


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