Saturday, April 02, 2005

Finally GROWING up?

For those that have had the pleasure (or pain i.e. most of you) of knowing know that I am very adamant about marriage. I once confessed that I wouldn't be bothered until I turned 30+, yes 30+ that is more than 6 years from now. Having said that, I think I am now changing my notion of this holy age of 30. Before I get irrational emails, I am not getting married. Just read on and hang up on tailor, no cake yet, not from me anyway. I have made several observations over the last year or so and I am amazed at how many of the people I have worked with or met before have settled down and had kids. Nothing wrong with that you might think, yeah? They are younger than I am, one kid I told me he was joining the navy serve the country. Good for him, I saw the navy boy today full grown beard and carrying a baby bag. The partner was pushing a pram. Unless he was on some convert mission protecting the kid and mother or the navy has changed rules on facial hair, who knows. This young man appeared happy making faces at the child; a sight to cherish even for I, the die hard never shed a tear type.

This and a few other sites have had me think twice about the 30+, some of us are for careers then families while some will begin start families in the early 20s. I think we need both and good on the young man I saw today. I hope they aren't struggling financially. I know they get govt. support, bringing me to the next point. If I were a citizen here, I could get family aid if I decided to spawn kihanyas, if I choose the career I pay for the young couples to have kids. I don't mind this but what would I get? Am not supporting any family of my own but the govt. has me supporting another man's child. Don't get wrong I love kids, they are lovely to watch but the concept isn’t really balanced.

I saw this one kid and I thought, "I can't wait to be a dad". "Daaad, can I please have these? No Pleeeease! No. Pretty please with a cherry? No, read my lips." There's my version of being firm, now you should probably know I was saying no to buying them school clothes and shoes. "In my days we didn't have shoes, we wore them until they were tattered." How often have parents mentioned that to their kids? Who cares what you did in your days? I pray and work wisely that my family will never have to hear me say that (parents say that when they are broke and frustrated). Personally in my days we played soccer with the local kids. We even played against high school kids while I was barely knew 5 feet tall. My boys then were cool, we were mischievous and contrary to what our parents thought we weren't angels. My brother on the other hand started with an expensive bike, courtesy of his big brother, then a play station from his uncle, now he wants a laptop for gaming. That is a long leap from making your own soccer balls to microsofting everything. He will play his soccer indoors, not indoor soccer but on the computer. I don't mind that and I don't even mention how I never had any of the fancy gadgets he now possesses. Good for him.

Back to my growing up theme, I have admitted that I love kids am not saying I can stand baby sitting anybodies kids though. I would knock them against a wall and then get back to my computer, but I do love them though. My point is I have begun to appreciate people that opt to have families for if they waited for me, mankind would be endangered for sure. For your information I am not getting all mushy and soft, just facts plain facts and maybe there is a heart after all; just maybe
Kman productions


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