Monday, September 26, 2005

Milk please

Back in high school, I took biology and I don't mind saying I was quite the nerd in the subject. Mathematics to this day has been my worst subject, oh wait! Programming has crept to be my nightmare, dragging me behind even on campus, I'd have graduated by now. God-damn programming, that was before I discovered........................(highly illegal stuff). Back to my love for biology, I should have taken Medicine, been a doctor, too late now and I love my new found hobby; spending all my life in Uni.

The human body as we should be aware requires 'food' to function normally, common sense I'd assume. Back in my days, we used to have chips/French fries for most of the week and we did fine, didn't get ill at all and most of all didn't gain weight. Back then, milk was milk from a damn cow and was full cream. Fast forward to 2005 and I get confused when I go shopping,

low fat
no fat
98% fat
full cream
25% fat
A2 (now)
lactose free

More like soy juice but we all know SOY JUICE wouldn't sell so we had to call it SOY MILK to appeal more to our health conscious buddies. Ice cream too has taken on these many faces, full cream, low fat, shit you know the thousands of options we have. Back to milk and soy juice, are there people that still drink whole milk or have we all converted to 'milk' that really isn't quite milk. Nutritionists have urged us to watch what we consume and for the skinny few left (I included), we can no longer enjoy a full fat meat, without that guilty feeling . How much milk would one be consuming gain weight? How do you gain weight from milk in the first place? Are we that lazy that a couple of glasses of milk a week will raise our obesity probability?

Could we be sucking too much on candy that we think milk is the culprit? Think for a moment, anybody that is trying out on anything other than full cream could testify to the repulsive, almost cardboard taste. Jesus people! How long must I go shopping in the dark so that you don't stare at my shopping trolley? Full cream milk, full cream Ice-cream, coke (not diet!), white bread, white rice, white pasta.

Oh! That is not good for you, try whole meal pasta, rice, whole-grain bread, chew on dried fruit (what in the hell!), drink 8 glasses of water and don't drink off the tap but buy it(mmh, go figure), have a salad for lunch (I need the energy, grass will not do it), fresh juice (no cordial), no junk food(what what about the colonel, Ronny & Jack?). What is the purpose of living if you can't indulge in some of life's adventures (eat whatever)? Someone tell this pricks to eat well really enjoy themselves, I doubt it. Can't you enjoy wnjoy what you eat, gotta make those funny faces eew! Just because it's good for you doesn't mean we live on it, coffe can be beneficial too. Would that mean consuming gallons of it daily, who eats anough ice cream in one sitting to get fat? Anyone eating that amount of ice cream will get fat even though they eat grass, damn ratio is what counts, not whether it's 0.00000001 fat content. I can't cook food in my house without calculating the grams of fat in the oil, damn 2 tea spoons of oil and am still concerned. People!

I am all for healthy living but living your life to the very fibre and calorie is messed up.( I could use more figurative words but not today). Why would we have kidneys and a liver? Does my memory fail me or aren't these organs there for a reason? Dying at 80 with kidneys of a 20 year old, what's the point. Maybe if we steered off the sun as much as we do fat, we might not have leather like skin in our 40s.

Only and idiot buys a 250mile/hr car in a 80mile/hr speed limit country, I'd think that applies to those 'nutritionists' urging us all to venture into TOFU land. Someone shove a pencil down my throat, tofu in place of meat? SOY BURGERS, SOY SAUSAGES, SOY MILK, SOY EVERYTHING. What is wrong with meat?

OOOOOOOH! Dare you buy meat, you animal! They should be killed humanely, it's a goat, cow, zebra etc Oh! I forgot they too have rights, OOPS! Exercise people, leave the car at home and enjoy full cream and you will never go back to that salad eating and calorie counting shitty routine you call eating. But OOH NO! SOY is the new black, black this! (middle finger salutes you).

Kman Productions.............................................


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