Wednesday, September 07, 2005

nod of death

Your on the bus and after a long day dozing will generally be considered natural, pity the fool that hits his/her head the railing. I have the bad habit of obvserving people as they nod and come into close proximity of knocking a few teeth loose or sustaining bruises on their heads. Call me a sadist (I have been labled that for many years, no biggie!) but regardless of how miserable you are you will get a laugh and hopefully cheer up for a few minutes. The gentleman infront of me on the bus was a typical example of a man under fatigue, Ipod on and laptop on his lap and of course the doze that could possibly leave him with a concusion. Slightly embarasing for the lady next to him because on more than one occasion he made it to her bossom, what sight to wake up to (however inappropriate this may have been for him).
Why is it that we can never bang our heads on even when we are in deep sleep (Most people that is, I have bruised myself on many occassion at home), just when you are about to plunge to your death you wake up (even though only momentariry, enough to get you back to the upright position). This time another attempt is made to see how far you will go before you reset your neck and general body position upright. I'd suggest a harness for those of us who sometimes will fall victim to fatigue and we all know motion is dizzying if not a lullaby. I am one of those who are better of the driver's seat because the minute I am in motion I am dead asleep in 10 minutes and accidents then would need an excuse to follow moi. Hence I don't drive, but I will be behind the wheel by the end of year. I am working on the caffeine injection design that will keep me alert as long as am driving. Maybe a pebble on the seat might do the trick, don't you hate pebbles in your shoes? They always let you know they are there, but how the hell do they get there?
Kman Productions.............


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