Thursday, September 08, 2005

Social Madness

"These days there is nothing educational on TV", "Oh there is so much rubbish on TV", "I don't let my kids watch TV past these time". Parents venting out against the family unfriendly enviroment they feel the current broadcasting companies have taken. In a free society where the masses determine what is to be aired, educational shows may not make the cut. Documentaries are being run with the aim of proving that this generation is more violent that the previous lot. Psychologists have mentioned that we ape what we see and the shows and movies produced encourage violence. The current graphics on most games are as real as they get anything better you'd be on the battle line itself.
The question posed is whether the govt. is responsible for the 'rubbish' that makes it to the air? Should we be deprived our daily dose of violence just because some kid might imitate what he/she saw the night before on Buffy the Vampire Slayer? My favourite was Rambo, I remember those wooded guns. I know they didn't resemble anything close to a gun but to us that was as close as it got. Along came William Tell, the cross-bow season had arrived and we did build our version of these deadly weapon. Somehow we managed to get the equipment to design an almost replica of the weapon and target practice was inevitable. At this age I hadn't completely mastered weaponry and mistakes did occur in our preparation. After being satisfied our craftsmanship was adequate, we loaded the cross-bow and before long my eye was the target. Unfortunately for me we didn't have a safety switch on our version of the weapon and a slight change in the wind was enough fire the arrow.
Ignorance is in every child and I could have lost an eye but should the government have banned such shows? Why did my parents let me watch the shows if they were afraid of the violence I might learn and practice? Remember the former WWF (wrestling)? My little brother was the victim of many Tomb-stone manouvers; thank God nothing happened to him. Now that I think of it there is less violence than during my days and maybe there should be a limit to the violence. I've had near misses with my kid brother as I tried to imitate my hero; Bret the Hitman Heart, even my mother loved him. Bret was 'sexy' so they claim and I wanted to be just like him, poor little brother had to be my victim. I surely think parents are responsible for what their kids watch and in democratic society unfortunately the corporate giants rule the waves not the protective parents. You think there is rubbish on TV, get your kids books and let the masses have their daily intake of violence.

Kman Productions..................................................


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooh! Bret's the one who loves to gives his shades away. He was the coolest and the good looking one amongst the rest. Hahahahaha!

6:31 pm, September 09, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah that was him

11:07 pm, September 09, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

naaah... the a--hole bit it applied to ppl i'm working with here... the errr small pretty pathetic country. no prizes for guessing which. :) it's just so different where i am now. 2 words: simply sucks. oops. i should not be complaining.

1:06 am, September 11, 2005  

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