Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Africans, Worth anything?

What characterizes genocide and how many deaths are acceptable before international intervention is expected? Sure we should learn to be self sufficient, how else do we develop as a people? Ethnic cleansing has been used in many regions of Africa,to get a super race or tribe. Hitler's idea was to rid the world of inferior races, just lie some African groups have done. Rent Hotel Rwanda and it becomes apparent how much an African life is worth in times of conflict.
Who are Africans to turn to when their own people decide they are not worth of living? Could this explain why so many in the continent are religious and believe in God. Let's face it, many have no one to believe in, they have seen the atrocities man has unleashed on his own people. Read the papers and everyday there is civil war in some part of Africa,my homeland. Tears of the Sun,Hotel Rwanda and many more titles give an idea of the plight of Africa. However, as much as they are aimed at the box office, some truth about Africa is evident. A continent that needs more than prayers and donations, we need change and and I don't know how this will come about.
Kman Productions......................


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