Thursday, December 22, 2005

Curtain Drops, the end

With less than 4 hours of sleep, after trying to make late night calls I made it to work; pissed off as hell. Do you ever wake up and hope to God( or whomever you hope to) that someone crosses your path? "God, I wish they could just say something stupid, I'll tear em a new one". That was my attitude this morning and true to it, I got what I asked for. Getting mad in this day and age has its own complications, gone are the days when you could just get mad and show you're mad. Now people expect you to hold it in, be nice, appreciate what you have, fuck them! A one hour bus ride with less 4 hours of sleep could be classified as grade 1 torture, a more effective way than electric shock on terrorists. On most days when I catch an early ride I have always questioned why some commuters are so pissed off, I have gone to the extent of blogging about them;now I understand. Today I blog about my personal experience as the mad sleep deprived commuter. I always wondered what it was they may have eaten for breakfast,cocoa shit puffs, morning cereal?

So my first encounter was when one gentleman began a conversation with a lady sitting next to me. The last thing I want is idle talk early in the morning, worse of all I have to listen to it for an hour or so. The man upstairs must have been looking out for me because the conversation didn't last more than 10 minutes, yeah that long. 50 more minutes of silence on the bus, oh I need to get my own ride. Next, some gentleman decides he will greet every boarding passenger "good morning, how are you today?". I don't mind morning salutations but why so early in the god-damn morning? What the heck was so good about this morning, everybody boarding seemed to have the same feeling and attitude as I did; they just didn't show it and tried to fake a smile. Poor people couldn't quite pull it off, the morning drag was set and there wasn't much to cheer them; my kinda people.

Work is most cases is designed to be a pain in the butt, today was no exception. It's almost Xmas and the pressure is on from management to push things before d-day, the boss comes in and is hell bent on harassing us. Now for a gentleman who has been with us for the last week, I doubt he'd have much to tell us; that's what you'd expect. Observe first before you offer your policy and/or opinion,stupid! Simple facts of life, before you offer a suggestion, observe., it saves you looking like an ass. So the new boss comes in, yaps all he wants, then leaves for a coffee break. Phew! Or so I thought, "he's gone". Oh boy! He was back in 30min breathing fire, if hell is missing one of their furnaces, get in touch. I may know where to get a replacement.

Work is over and I make my way to the local toy store, am too old for toys but am looking for a present (bare with me). There you go, a huge teddy bear and guess what? It's on sale, save money and get a good present, not a bad way to end the day huh? Before you go singing carols, read carefully. At the checkouts, a young lad decides to exercise his vocals to the limit. I never thought it was possible for a male vocal cord to go that high, I could almost swear I can hear bells ringing. Picture this, the horror movie scene where the girl screams, instead of the girl, a boy screams and with him are amplifiers strong enough to convert you (what to, I don't know).

Nice way to end my session here on blogger, some fucked up kid screaming his head out, 'mr happy passenger' greeting everyone and 'Sir New Boss' messing up our day @ work.

It has been a good run, after 8 months I thought I'd finish strong, a tantalizing juicy tale. This ends on a flat note, I've lost the urge to write over the last few weeks. I guess my life has taken a new turn and writing doesn't seem to fit in, I have a lot to write but it's not ethical to publish. Here are a few of the narration I'd planned for

(1). alcohol induced battle of the sexes

(2). Why men's toilets stink

(3). What really goes on in the supermarket

(4). Can we celebrate without alcohol and enjoy ourselves

This is how it must end, everything else in my head shall remain there until a certain time when all will be memories Simply put, what I write deosn't just reflect on me, considering this, it's only fair kman productions ends. Everything has an end, Kman productions' time has come.

CURTAIN DROPS...............................................

Kman Productions..........................


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