Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Greatest gift

Xmas has just been and for most of us we recieved presents, not necessairy what we'd hoped for but we did get something; nana's sweater, Simpson boxers etc etc. Presents are all good but I may have realised the greatest gift I could give to anyone, trust, support and encouragement in their dreams. Believing in someone is probably the greatest gift I could offer, I have learnt that over the course of the last few weeks. We are selfish beings and when we sense lose we recoil and try to hold on to everything, losing everyone and everything we care deeply for. Take a leaf from me, trusting people counts for much, if there is no trust control sets in and we want to monitor every movement. In the end lose is inevitable unless you can realise you err and get the chance to redeem yourself. I pray that you get the second chance, redeem yourself and begin to mature in your relatonships, careers etc etc

Kman productions...........


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