Tuesday, December 27, 2005


The weather gets warm and humid and before you realise it, summer has set in and the nights are almost intorelable. Sun worshippers are now in full swing, making their sacrifices everyday at the beach.For most religions, tribute to their gods is made on a regular more consistent basis; no the sun worshippers summer is their holiday. A quick walk along the beach will quickly reveal to most the value we have placed upon our skins, zero. The sight of a tan is percieved by many to be ultimate alure during the warm months, personally I don't care. People will sit in the heat to get that perfect complexion, pale skin doen't seem to attract anyone anymore. The heat also seems to do wonders for the male visual department, how often do you get the treat of your life without any extra effort from you?

Yesterday as I struggled to get to the movies, no non-essential stores(chemists stocking hangover cures), companies should be open on Boxing day. A big night on Xmas day meant I was tethered to the bed for most of the following morning. Imagine my delight when @ 9:00AM I receive a call, confirming a movie date that had been scheduled a few days ago. Confirming is good but damn! 9 in the morning for a movie that screens @ 4 PM, not subtle at all. Making it to the bus stop was a miracle in it's self, most will bare me witness that light is not tolerated after a big night. The slightest light through your bedroom window (or where-ever it is you managed to sleep) can send you packing for the closet., giving new meaning to coming out of the closet, later in the day.

Though the bus trip is only 5 minutes, I was surprised at the excitment on the bus, the boys just couldn't help themselves (by boys I mean men).

Kman productions..............


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