Sunday, February 27, 2005

MEN!!!!!! Don't shake my hand,ever!

How bad is it when you meet people, men for that matter and you don't want to shake hands. It's customary for people to shake hands an introduction, screw that custom am not shaking any mans hand again (not unless I have a glove). Many a times that I have frequented the public lavatories only to be astonished by the lack of personal hygiene in the toilet department. A man will walk in to the cubicle, do his business and just walk out. The stench from the cubicle is adequate proof that he wasn't touching up on his makeup, that is unless ammonia and sulphur scents have made it to Revlon.
Will I be considered rude the next time someone extends his/her hand and I retract with genuine disgust? Is there a way to make introductions without worrying about the history of the hand extended to me? The only safe way is be appear to be a snob arrogant for some but live a long clean life. On the other hand man could simply wash their hands more often and maybe, just maybe I will resume shaking hands. Why do I doubt that my fellow men would prefer to result to their barbaric stance of unwashed hands after the loo . Why do you think they put sinks in toilets, two at least in most public toilets? Was is for aesthetic value or was there a real function for these tiled device?
I propose you don't shake our hands, I know this sounds strange but I too am a bloke. I wash my hands each time I step out of the bathroom, even if I was brushing my teeth. Paranoid?Maybe, but I know that I have a clean hand, not sanitised but clean to an accepted degree. For goodness sake men just let the water run even if you don't run the water on your hands. Just to fool the people outside that you're conscious about cleanliness. Was is next to godliness? I don't think so, not in this generation of men anyway.
kman productions.........


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