Saturday, May 07, 2005

Garlic Breathe

Garlic has been linked to helping aid ease colds or strengthen our bodies against certain kinds of colds (common cold ie.). I think scientists have given men, older men a better reson to eat more garlic than just to fight colds. Viagra came into the market a while back has been claimed to be the miracle drug for age striken males. For your own benefit please read no further is the topic of sex is taboo for you, read my other posts........................................................................................................





Still with me, brace yourself for a laugh and maybe some education in the process. Reading the paper the paper has been common place for me, not for the news but for the funny akward stories they run from time to time. Yesterday was not dissapointing either, the Daily Telegraph (Sydney) ran an interesting piece about the added benefits of garlic, like stinky breathe isn't enough. It so happens that some scientists have found a link between garlic and blood flow, now for those of us who are living and not ignorant, that spells one thing for me. More blood flow will help in their bedroom antics. I really haven't gone beyond that article to verify this so called new discovery but rest assured I will be very much interested in future discoveries about garlic.
We all know garlic does more than wade off dracula, potential dates also fall through this indiscriminative net of 'garlicism'. Ease on the garlic has always been advised by those in the dating scene, but the again they now have after dinner mints. I guess our main concern is the before after dinner mints mints. ie how the hell do you keep your breathe fresh long enough such that the after dinner mints are a booster shot? Back to the wonders of garlic, these scientists have stated that just consuming more garlic isn't sufficient to induce the added blood flow benefit;a relief to most people I'd assume. The claim that the compounds in garlic just aren't enough to fully cause change and that suppliments may be required.
Important concept here could be that we are meant to buy garlic suppliments in droves and increase sales for the pharmaceutical companies. This could likely be the case and hence I am always sceptical of any new natural obtainable compound only being available in useful dosages only in tables/capsule/powder(for snotters hehe) form. So the next time your man is goes out of their way to add garlic to every meal including garlic spread at breakfast, don't worry but realise there could be problems. On the other hand they could trying to avoid any future calamities, male pride could be at stake here.
Kman has decided to dropout of college and exploit the new market for garlic, there are coffee plantations worldwide and it's time we had a garlc plantation for the sake of future generations.

Kman Productions...............................


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