Wednesday, May 18, 2005

How wrong I was

How many times have I said white people can't dance or black people are show offs? Stereotyping has been part of me for a very long time and it's time I got rid of such notions. You get to an age in life when you don't refer to a people but only to an individual, I guess that is what maturity is all about. So Monday is a clubbing night at my campus, so is wednesday, Friday, Saturday and sometimes Thursdays and Sunday too. One would argue that at my uni Tuesdays is the Sabbath, I haven't heard of people going out on Tuesday in the many years I've been there. So Monday I was going to try out some of the pick up lines I'd outlined in my last blog, none of them worked though. I still had one of the best nights in along time, I am suffering now for that much fun.
My kind of music isn't the Aussie kind and they prefer more of rock, country blend genre. My colour doesn't allow me to like these genres as I was inclined to like R&B and Rap from birth. I could listen to other genres but I feel @ home with these two, maybe I need to explore goth rock for a while. would I have to buy black though? I like some colour in my attire.
Anyway Monday I am shocked by a lady (white) that almost outpaced me on the dance floor. I can't divulge identity but I have to say that has never happened before. I have always found myself slowing down such as not to attract too much attention on the dance floor. Monday was great because I put it all on the floor and she too kept up. I should ask her to be my new dancing partner, maybe she was the one holding back. Here I am all smiles that I have danced in 4 years, the other times I just moved my feet to blend in with the uncoordinated crowd that frequents the clubs. Tonight I might also go out, who knows I might find another lady that can dance if not the same mystery woman that almost outpaced Kman .
With that I better find out if my mate is off work and whether he is going out too, he drives us around you see. I hate driving and at my age I think I should get my act together and get my license and car before the end of the year. Well maybe the license and then work on saving for the car. I could always rob a pensioner, they are so easy to scare off their money. How do you think I financed all my projects? Hehe
Kman Productions....................................


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