Saturday, May 14, 2005

New generation Men; lonely too

I have always had the atmost respect for married young people, I don't know how they do it. I guess some of us are meant to procreate early and provide us with tax payers throughout our lives. As sad as it may be true I think I have made a crucial decision that I have seen many of my peers make, take a career path and postpone families. Kudos to those who can juggle both career and families because Kman can't do it, I dream of a time when I will be asked to travel at a moments notice not have to worry about a family being left behind. This life is good for go getters but is also very lonely, we can't have both.
We might be on the verge of total materialism but in the end it should pay off, start at family after 30 or even maybe 35. The only problem with this is there will be a gap between our retiring and our children being eligible to pay taxes. Paradox I'd say, we get to enjoy freedom but later in life might miss out on crucial taxes to keep governments running. More on this topic later..
Kman Productions.......................................


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