Thursday, July 07, 2005

AIDS, Condoms and Religion

I have never been one to pull number out of my rear end; I know numbers and have a firm grasp of statistics. I was watching a BBC special focusing on the present state of Africa and the many problems facing our homeland. We all know Africa needs help and immediate change of attitude amongst the leaders both political and religious. May I suggest we kill all the present leaders and start a fresh, there is no hope for us if the current trend continues. We need radical change, the generation we have is dying on us and sooner than later we may not have enough of a future generation to move the continent. According to BBC Africa will need a further 130 years to cut the mortality of children by two thirds, 12o years to bring literacy to majority of the citizens.

Jesus! If these are the figures we are working with, what the #$@* are we doing about it? Why do we have to wait for the western world citizens to host concerts in Europe and the Americas to highlight our plight? I have always thought that there is nothing I can do; I am just but a mere engineering student. I got no money, no influence but I hurt when all I see about my home continent is children and women dying. What can I do? As soon as I can answer that question maybe Africa will be on it's way to recovery.

Oh we were colonized and that is our problem, get the %^#@ out of here, how long are we going to stick to that line. Let’s move on and get over it, so what? That was many years ago and lets face it, the colonizers had effective infrastructure when we got independence. It's only after Africans took control of their countries that poverty levels climbed, mortality sky rocketed and corruption crippled the economy. For goodness sake if your going to take a bribe, do your bloody job. Bribes are meant to motivate civil servants to hasten the process not block the legal process as has been the story for the last 4 decades. I don't condone corruption but the fact is, it's ingrained in many of us. We are in so much debt because some S.O.Bs have embezzled from the economy. Swiss accounts burst from interests accrued and there are no signs of relief. Aren't the huge payment politicians pocket enough, African politicians are better off than most western world politicians I'd say.

AIDS, 30+ million people have the virus and will die, forget a cure it's too late for these poor souls. They should make amends with their maker and plan for the next 2-5 years, who will care for their families once they depart? The Catholic Church has come out with steam that condoms shouldn't be advocated. Fair enough, but for a continent with millions dying condoms might slow the inevitable. People are dying yet these religious groups will not advocate for condoms to help avoid death. If people shun religion, should the religious groups shun them. My belief is that belief is to cater for the human need first then deal with the spiritual. What is the use of preaching to a hungry man, give the man some bread and maybe he might listen. For all that its worth please avoid sex until marriage (that is my up-bringing), but who are we kidding here? People are having sex in drones and will continue to have sex whether we like or not, THAT IS FACT! With this knowledge then, can't we advise them to use protection to minimize the risk of contracting diseases that could kill them? For God's sake, 30 million and counting! I doubt saving lives is a cardinal sin, let me answer to the maker after having saved or tried to save lives. I strongly believe that it's very irresponsible that a church can rule out contraception that may prevent the spread of a killer virus. I respect people’s religious belief but logic is also part of our God given gift. We want to promote responsibility amongst the youth but what about those who deem abstinence as a joke and impossible. Get them condoms don't burn condoms or deny access to these.

My university is weird, maybe too secular because condoms are given out free of charge. All you do is walk to the student services and to avoid the embarrassment they put them in an un-marked box for all. This might be pushing it I think but they are playing their part in try to help students avoid the scourge of STDs. So get off your ass and if you have to have sex outside marriage, be safe and use a condom. Bulletproof vests are not fail-safe but they have been known to save a few lives. I'd advise we stick to one partner and in marriage but as I mentioned previously, we are just plain naive if we expect marriage to be the only sex haven. Grab a packet of condoms the next time you pass by the supermarket or pharmacy and if you can't get some, I could mail you some from my campus. Only problem is that you might have to postpone the sexual act for a few days as you wait for the mail. If you’re unlucky the Kenyan postal staff might even keep them for themselves, I hope if they do they do use them. Let's talk about sex an old song that Africa doesn't seem to understand, understand the danger and take precaution. Prepare for the worst fellow country men, we are in for the long haul on this fight. I will give out condoms to anyone that asks, as I mentioned they are free on campus and what the hell if you see me pick a whole box of them. I know what am trying to do, if I could prevent one STD maybe help one person that's all we need. Then after that bring in my spiritual aspect as to what I might think is best, can't bash religion into people. Let's spread peace and love and most of all let's fight this plague that is killing us Africans. Help yourself Africa, live 8 concerts can't be hosted for you all the time. Get off your lazy ass and do something, educate someone about the scourge we face. For God's sake, educate yourselves people, EDUCATE yourself can't stress this enough.........

kman productions.............................................


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