Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Oops I tripped

Am on the bus waiting to go home when I see a lady drop a pile of sealed envelops, lucky for her she had a guy to help her pick them up. I have this scene played out so many times that I doubt most of the times the accidents are genuine. Are they just plots to meet that girl you've always wanted to meet? Replay to the lady carrying the pile of book from the library or that work hottie carrying work related papers. Now let's change the scene slightly, the carrier of the books or papers is now a guy, average looking nothing special at first sight. So he trips on a cable that runs from one cubicle to to another. Why there would be cables on the ground beats me but lets just play along. Even better he just looses balance and drops the paper work, I can almost guarantee that the guys in the firm or office will burst into laughter; I would.
If he is lucky maybe one of the girls may bend and lend a hand, that is if he is lucky. Generally the guy will coil in shame and hurriedly collect his stuff and rush for the nearest exit, phone in hand calling mother to calm him down. Nothing reassures us like mama, "Oh who is a big boy". So now lets say it's the hottie that dropped the paperwork, how much carnage do you think will be created as 'good samaritans' lend their services? Why is this the case, I'd love to really understand why we behave the way we do. I know I'd be the first one leaping over the 8 foot cubicle wall sprinting up the stair case, no time for the elevator. For who God forbid there are no guys in the 5 floors above me trying to help the poor dame. Get it, I'd sense paperwork being dropped 5 floors above me and I'd be there even before the last document hits the ground. 'Spidie' senses are homing on potential accidents, how pathetic is that scenario?


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