Saturday, July 09, 2005

blow me down, WMD

Your eyes meet and you can feel the sweat build up on your palm, by God you that your deodrant can mask the nervous sweat. As silly as it may sound I still suffer from sweaty palms and the ocassion dry mouth when am faced by an attractive woman. Don't get me wrong I aint no Saint Nicholas but a Halle Berry can cause unexpected raction in your body. Ever wonder I will always wear the best cologne even when am at work? Cause you never know, I am made to understand first impression can build or break you, and we all know it's almost impossible to recover from bad BO. My point today is that first impressions aren't all they are claimed to be, yeah she may look good but a few sentences later your ducking for the nearest oxygen tank.
Cigarette breath is one of the worst odours there are, forget anthrax and cyanide, I can take these anyday. Ever thought that your about to have a nice chat when it hits you, just when your about to roll out those fail-safe lines you may have picked from HITCH. My God, smokers breath is disturbingly foul, especially if they don't try to mask; eat grass or something. Chew on your shirt or even better chew on those damn matches, then again who uses match sticks anymore? I'd take poo breath anyday, kill me, hang me, boil me in oil but whatever you do don't open your mouth in my face. I am not like most people who can fake a smile and pretend nothing is wrong, I will frown in your face and put on a gas mask as you watch. If that doesn't work don't be offended if I turn my face away from you and take a few paces forward (away from this WMD, forget Iraq's dossier). Thank God for video phones, I don't have to smell tar in your breath again. We could still be friends but friends who video conference.
kman productions.......................


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