Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Child Play

Lets face it, am doomed to spend the remaining 65yrs of my life infront of a computer. The weird thing is that somehow I draw solace in that notion, sick huh? New look is still in my head and as soon as I can put it on computer, the blog will have the new look I concieved ages ago.

Part of child's play is sticking objects in your mouth and I was no exception nor did I luck the skills required to entertain myself. As I grew older you'd have thought I might let go of this dangerous habit but I didn't and alsmost paid a heavy price for my late blooming. The year is unclear but the incident still raises alarm in my being, what woud have become of me if ..................

Let's set the scene, imagine being in school and full of energy maybe after one to many cordial drinks. I was a hyperactive kid in my own sense and this day wasn't going to be different. There I was after lunch getting ready for the afternoon class, only thing is I had a ruler in my mouth. Did I mention I was trying to be a nerd? Oh and yes I know nerds don't use rulers but we weren't allowed to se calculators then. Rulers are dangerous, especially when you shove them in your mouth and engage in a mini-world record sprint in class. New age relay, where the stick is no longer held by hand but in your mouth. Picture another young boy twice my weight running straight for you only he doesn't see you and worse of all neither do you. To this day I have never understood why I was racing in class and can't quite figure out why he too was running. Lee ran straight into me, coughing up blood was the next sensible thing given that half the ruler was jammed down my throat.

The pain was nothing compared to what I feared my mother would do to me if she found out it was self inflicted. There are many activities I have shied away from because of mama's wrath, can't blame her she had to be tough. There I am coughing up blood and all I can think about was how uncool I looked infront of my classmates. Kids! Am sure I needed some medical attention but rinsing my mouth with water would do it for me. I had a reputation to uphold for being tough. For all I know I could have cause damage but being cool was paramount and I can bet no of my classmates would recall the near fatal accident I had. Lee felt bad that for the next few weeks he would offer to swap lunch with me. Irony of matter was he was more scared his parents and lunch was his way of bribing me, keep thing under wrap. If only he knew I couldn't eat solids food for a while and I wasn't about to spill the beans on him. I squeal and we are done for
kman productions...............................

Good to be back after a few weeks of quiet time


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