Wednesday, August 24, 2005

first day

The end of 1995 was supposed to mark what I thought was the end of the world, date November 13-16. Apparently these dates were to determine the rest of my life; so they told me. Nothing like sitting for your last primary school exam, no more studying; ever! Guess what? I’m still studying, 8 years after I swore to abandon my books. We were naive and we thought this marked the end of books, boy were we wrong. The following year I got a place in a good school (according to my parents that is), NJiiri High School was to mould me for the future (yeah right!).

My first day was full of excitement and adrenaline freely flowed through my vessels, why would I be excitement? I was going to high school, boarding school for that matter and parental supervision would be minimal if any at all. FREEDOM from anything adult

I get to school and my mother is given the grand tour of the institution after signing my life away for 4 years. I had never shed a tear because of being alone and without mama to protect me; I shed one or two before sucking it all up. Sure I had been caned before and tears had flown freely but this was a sad day when I felt alone. As the 4WD pulled out of the compound my heart sank, I realise that my mother was gone and I would be stuck here for the next 4 years. She was all I had and I thought she had abandoned me when I needed her the most, little did I know this was called growing up. Something I am still learning to this day

The events that followed that night earned the respect I needed to survive the next 4 years. Bastardization was ripe then and I believe it was common place in most boarding schools if not all; we had to grow up some day. I weighed in about 50 kilos and was quite skinny even for my age, I could never be big enough to defend myself in a fight. Perception is everything and even I knew that, getting into a fight the night wasn't part of my plan but it worked for me. The bully was in his 3rd year of high school and had a reputation for harrasing juniors, this was just routine for him. Comes up to my window ans asks who I was and I replied in a very rude manner, well that's what the other freshmen thought. Shaking in their boots they hadn't seen a tough freashy like me, I wasn't about to disappoint either. Remember my skinny frame, this guy was well over twice my weight and she could have killed if he wanted.

My rude answer earned me a punch in the gut, this is when all your fears grip you and you either wet your pants or fight back. I was no punk but I knew I would get creamed if I fought him fair, I didn't get to that school by being dumb either. He was on the other side of the window so I hit back, he wasn't expecting it and I landed a clean hit on the face. I knew then I wouldn't make past the first night and that I had messed with the nut of the nuts, he simply walked away. The 'freshies' mouths agape stared at me, their new hero saviour of the first year students. If only the knew that my bladder and long given way and thank God gravity wasn't working on that day. I am suprised I did wet myself, I was scared but I guess the bully was more surprised than afraid of the new kid. All hail Kman

Take me back to the same night and I would probably have chickened out and coped abuse for the next whole year. It turns out I was respected even among the seniors; Bravery you ask? NO STUPIDITY and one too many Bruce Lee flicks, for your information the young fellow was later suspended on seperate offences.

Kman Productions


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