Monday, December 19, 2005

I can

For the last year or so I have had the desire to build my own site, custom designed for kman. In that year, I have also had other plans which I hoped to pursue. Truth is, I've achieved little in terms of my goals for the year and this scares the hell out of me. How many times does your husband,boyfriend, brother, uncle etc offer to fix the leak in the roof, the exposed cables and maybe even fix the car; only to make it worse or even worse not do it prolonging the suffering? I am guessing am not the only one realising that there are better ways to lead my life than trying to do everything myself. Last year I swore I'd better myself academically and I have, not as well as I'd hoped but I have. What are we do when we are faced by situations where we either ask for professional help or attempt to solve the problem ourselves? I am going for the professional help over my own insight, asking isn't stupidity; thinking I can solve everything, now that is plain dumb!

What to do about my website, ? I will use a free template, modify it slightly to suit, that is what I do best; modify. Who are kidding trying to think we can do it all? I've stretched myself to thin that I can't complete anything anymore. I have too many pending projects and I guess it's time to cut down and concentrate on what is most beneficial. I've already known what was going host, advise to the lay people of Australia and hopefully elsewhere on but not limited to computer, telecommunication, digital technology. I happen to have no life of my own, though this is changing thanks to a young lady I met. (that is narration for another day). I've spent too much time trying to learn things that I realise I could save you the time and maybe answer some of your questions @ ctips, upcoming soon, it better be soon.

Key points, ask professionals they are there for a reason and they also have bills to pay. If we fixed all our problems, how would they earn a living? Let someone with the know how advise you on the difficult issues, I can't do everything. I'd like to think I could but reality is, I can't and nor can you.

Kman productions.........


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