Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Love, lust, love, lust, like, fond, appreciate all terms that have been used to describe relationships, we've experienced at least one of these if not more. I am not Dr. Phil and I don't pretend to know about relationships, am still learning. Have you ever been in love? Would you call the butterflies love or is that just puppy love; wears out after a few weeks. Is love a choice or is it a feeling? Do you chose to like people or do you have no control as to who you like? How much of yourself should you give to someone before they begin to control your life? Changes we make to accomodate people into our lives, why it is hard. Too many questions but few answers. Is maturity characterised by age, is part of maturing realising that you are wrong and apologies are not taboo?

Why is it a woman will be beaten by the husband/boyfriend and yet go back to them, all bruised. Someone you know picks a prick for a guy, should you support them or threaten the prick off? I've lost patience in this field and I guess I no longer feel anything when people make wrong choices, I can't care anymore I have had it. How emotionally draining can it be to open your heart to the wrong person? With this in mind how relaxing is it to spend time in the company of someone you care about, regardless of the activity.I don't know, more questions less answers
Kman productions.............


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