Wednesday, December 14, 2005

old people, eew!

Turning 18 was meant to be the next big thing, I could do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted; or so I thought. After many years of being told what to do and how to do it, I thought this would be the loophole I'd been waiting for, rebel to the max! 18 came and after much excitement on the day, I realised that turning 18 would also mean I was held accountable fo all my action; the law of the land applied to me. Before this milestone, my actions were always taken to be that of a young confused child, prosecution was out of the question. Ironically turning 18 meant I had to be careful of what I did, no more baby steps. 2 days ago I was on my way to work, in the bus were a few senior citizens, probably on their way to a bowling club. My perception of old people has always been that of respect, but after a certain age respect is replaced with suspicion. Not that they will hurt me, afterall the older you get the more fragile you get, am in my prime years;I could take them.

Am in the bus and my only thoughts were, how much knowledge is locked in these people? What have they gone through that I could tap and learn from them, save me the trouble of making similar mistakes they'd have made? Society tends to alienate the older generation, admit them into retirement homes where they will not bother us. We visit them during special ocassions, birthdays, Xmas and funerals (their funerals). How much do you think we could learn from these people? Yes, I know they are not into the Ipod like we are but am sure there are certain truths that never change. Isn't life, life whether it be back in the 1950s or in 2005? Only difference would be we all have cell phones and pretend to torelate other people(races), back then it was outright open contempt.

Pause for a second, think about how much info your grandpa, grandma, parents may have before relegating into the aged heap we all like to heap them in.

Kman Productions................


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