Friday, December 09, 2005


You apply for leave to travel home and it's declined, you later apply for leave to sit for your exams and that to is declined, the only way out is to report the matter to the employee union. An employer seems to assume that they own their employees and most believe their staff's lives revolve around their workplace. Wouldn't that be the perfect work horse? One that will set aside personal ambition and social setting to fulfil the needs of the employer. How much freedom do we have when it comes to our jobs? How many of us are able to negotiate better deals without fear of retaliation? When you call in sick, does your employer treat you like you have commited a cardinal sin? Mine does and I really don't care anymore, with time even the best will lose it and let apathy take root. How much rubbish can you take before you lose interest in the company you work for and begin to look out for yourself? It took me a mere 4 years and now I think I have reached my tethers limit, anything more and I will explode. Gentleman they used to say when they refered to me, even that has worn thin and only God knows the thought I harbour.
Have you on an ocassion had terrible thoughts about your workplace, you tend to see fires on the evening news and for that split second you kinda hope it was you office or factory that went up in smoke. If you don't, I have had these thoughts, just thoughts for a milisecond before regaining my full senses.

What use is it that your employer will not give you the due respect and curtesy and then in return you lose interest in advancing their mission and business goals. Since when did dictatorship result in long term benefit to either party. The tyrant may fell that s/he has power and control but eventually there is a coup and governments/companies/organisations colapse. Some of you may ask, what if the company I work for is a multi-billion dollar company? In my experience staff in such organosations are no more than numbers;fodder in better terms. You think your resignation will hurt them? Think again and if these are you thoughts, you are better off elsewhere. Does your employer really care about your health? If you think yes, let me surprise you, my experience teaches me otherwise. The last injury I had at work was strain related, similar to the previous 3. Now with these repetitive injuries common sense would be to asses why staff are prone to them. But noooo! My employer thought it fit to retrain me on how to lift objects, well and good.

Could anyone pick the fault in this kind of approach? What if the problem was with the tasks being assigned, could it be that the tasks are not safe and need rethinking? Why is the employee always in need of retraining when accidents occur? My lesson from this, any sort of injury will result in my going home and seeing the company doctor. Understand that this is not you family business, unless of course it happens to be. For most of us, we are aren't that lucky to be working in the family business and we can't afford to injure ourselves working for some conglomerate. It simply isn't worth it, trust me I know.

kman productions......................


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