Monday, October 24, 2005


com·mu·ni·cate Audio pronunciation of "communicate" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (k-myn-kt)
v. com·mu·ni·cat·ed, com·mu·ni·cat·ing, com·mu·ni·cates
v. tr.
    1. To convey information about; make known; impart: communicated his views to our office.
    2. To reveal clearly; manifest: Her disapproval communicated itself in her frown.
  1. To spread (a disease, for example) to others; transmit: a carrier who communicated typhus.
v. intr.
  1. To have an interchange, as of ideas.
  2. To express oneself in such a way that one is readily and clearly understood: “That ability to communicate was strange in a man given to long, awkward silences” (Anthony Lewis).
  3. Ecclesiastical. To receive Communion.
  4. To be connected, one with another: apartments that communicate.
How many of us enjoy listening to Tony Blair give his arguments? We don't have to agree with what he says for us to admit that he is an orator, unlike W (most powerful on the planet). Is eloquence communication? How many of us have workmates that can barely construct a grammaticall correct Engligh sentence, yet we understand what they are trying to say? Is communication the articulation of a subject/topic in a manner that the receiver understands or in a grammatically correct manner? When W, puts his thought before the public, few of us miss what he intends even though he lacks oratory skills. When a job is advetised "good communicator needed", what the hell do they mean. Do they want a person that has a good command of the language or someone that can explain to people in a way the understand?

Have you been in an audience where the speaker has spoken for more than a hour only to realise you have no idea what he/she has been blabbering about in perfect English, panctuation was perfect? Imagine this, I am in a lecture where my lecturer struggles to express the points in English but I understand what they are explaining. Most of the words may not mean much to me but the concepts are well grasped. Who among these two communicated?

Kman productions.............................


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