Friday, December 09, 2005


You have mail! You have mail! You have mail! Most us will associate this annoying phrase will sleepless in Seattle or Time warner AOL internet service provider. Emailing has always been fun when you get actual people responding to your emails. After work, the first thing I do is check mail, both electronic and hard copy. For some reason all I get in the mail are bill and junk mail, my emails are slightly different in the sense all I get is spam and chain emails. There are certains I don't get in this life, who has the time to read through a chain email that has gone through 50+ email addresses and by the time it gets to your inbox, a 3Kb document is now in the 100s Kb; extra email recipients you don't know and don't want to know. Here is how it starts, you receive notification that you have email and off you heart races, who could it be that gilr I met at the bar, could it be my long lost school mate? You mind is racing, then BOOM! the subject has a fwd: prefix and you realise it's another chain email or some Nigerian scam trying to get you hard earned $$ through some shady deal.

Anybody that sends me forwarded emails may have realised that they are quickly crossed off my emailing list, I don't have the time to read rubbish. A funny picture may be tolerated but one those " please send to 5 people and you will recieve your wish", try again. Back in high school I fell for one of this pranks, the deal was to send letters to 5 people and in a matter of days I'd recieve 50 letters. Ok! I admit I was slow then, maybe I still haven't quite grown up but as they once bitten twice shy. People still send these chain letters and am amazed at the number of responses these emails get. Check out a few of my favourites

"Yahoo is auditing the email accounts and yours will be deactivated if you don't send that email to everyone in your address book"

"Bill Gates' Microsoft is offering money to poeple that forward that email, the perks are per email, the more emails you send the more money Gates will give you"

"The Nigerian banker who has unclaimed money in a Swiss account and needs your help tp unlock the money"

"If you love Jesus, send this to at least 5 people to show your love of God" I wonder what the WWJD bracelet wearers would do in this situation.?

etc etc etc

kman productions.................


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