Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I will

It is very amazing how people don't seem to know the power of what they utter. A parent tells their child that they will buy them candy if they behave, the child expects candy now, on the proviso they have been 'nice'. So what happens when the candy purchase is not fulfilled? Logically, one would be expected to show anger, frustration and feel betrayed, "what an idiot I've been", such thoughts wouldn't be far off from their minds. "If you are a good boy, I will buy you that push bike you always wanted", poor boy tries for a whole year to be good waiting for that bike; probably never hears of it again. What happens when we as adults are dealing with each other and we say we will do certain things, and don't fulfill our side of the deal? Simple uttering, "I will come by your office at 1400hrs, take you for lunch", would you believe this and for-go your scheduled lunch break at 1200hrs expecting lunch at 1400hrs? What if the other person doesn't show nor call? What logical grace period would you give before spitting the dummy and ordering in your lunch,? It's late and your starving, angry and disappointed; not a good mixture.

"Hey, I will call you at 1900hrs tonight", you get home at 1800hrs enough time to freshen up have your dinner and prepare for that phone call that was meant to be coming. The clock ticks past 1930hrs, no call yet, 2000hrs nothing. At this point you realise that you could have done something more constructive than sit by the phone waiting, call someone else but you wanted to keep the line free, just in case your caller calls. Am I the only one that will clear my schedule when, " I will call you @ -----hrs", is mentioned to you? Have you found yourself testing whether your phone is working when the apparent phone call doesn't come through? I have dialed my own number, sent myself a text, just to make sure their is nothing wrong on my end.

Should you believe what people tell you, make time for them or should you lead your life without a plan and squeeze in your friends when they call? What ever happened to simply honouring our word, why say you will and then not do it? What purpose does it serve that you put someone else hopes up, only to disappoint? When will I ever learn? Do us all a favour, don't waste our time and hope, just keep it to yourself if you don't intend to fulfill your end of the agreement. After all you're the one that brought it up, we were happy with that we were doing.

So why did I wake up @ 0244hrs to write this, I don't know.

Kman Productions.........................


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