Monday, December 12, 2005


You spend your entire life protecting yourself against what you perceive as a loophole for heartache, then one day you decide to let go of your protective barrier and experience what life is all about. Since the day you were born, most of your life has been pre-programmed and many activities choreographed by parents,relative and gurdians. You are supposed to meet a girl you like when the year turn 2011, when you turn 30. These are the rules set before you were born and what options do you have but to follow. One would understand, when your folks draw out such plans for your life, they are trying to make life as safe as they can for you. So what happens when you meet a girl you like, hopefully she likes you and these events don't coincide with the pre-set activities for that year? Please remember that most of your life activities have almost been calculated for you and once you reached the age of consent, you took over the planning; sticking to most of what had been determined before you.

A girl comes into your life, forget the plans for they seem to be flawed, why didn't they involve her? As you get to know each other you realise you like her, does she like you the same way you do. Should you ask, assume she does? What do you do when she leaves for a while, to a far far land? Do you sit in your room mourning for that whole period, or do you mourn for a few days and then move on with the remainder of your life? After all she will be coming back, even though it takes more than you'd like. Why does life take such turns? Are you tired of being told that you can''t whin because others have it worse than you do? Am I not allowed to be sad, show anger, disgust or hatred because others have it worse than I do? I understand the logic behind such advise, whatever the case, there will always be some individual who got the raw end of the deal. So, who then is allowed to mourn and show anger when life takes the wrong turn? One thing is for sure, I will need help in coping with the seperation, now that is the plain truth.

Kman Productions........................................


Blogger spicey pineapple said...

unfortunatly there is nothing you can do about the hurt and anguish....sorry. but you know what there are people who do have it worse off then yourself but there is someone worse of then them its a thing people can only compare, you should be allowed to express your emotions if it makes you sad or hurt if you want to mourn to get closure or express what your feeling then by all means do it. fuck what the others say you are your own person and you should deal with your emotions the way in which you see suited to the occasion. you have a good blog here, keep up the good work and remember that time (as slow as it may seem) heals all wounds.

3:05 am, December 14, 2005  
Blogger kman Productions said...

thank you

3:46 am, December 14, 2005  

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