Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Who needs them

Friends, we were told they would help you through life, providing companionship given that we are social beings. Soacial beings? Lets discuss that for a minute, society, socialism, socialise etc. Conjugate a few characters and you get countless words that probably have little in common. What exactly is being social?In my late nights watching the discovey channel as I waited for my all time favourite show Sex and the City, I have learnt that wolves are loners. They prefer to go at it alone and come together during mating season, how lonely we think. Bring in your friend/s depending on what your social meter allows and you get new problem, who can you trust. Are friends of your friends your friends? Do think having many friends is better than having one or two? When do friends cross the line? Can you really trust these people you term as friends? If yes, can they trust and do they trust you?

Trust and friendship, you'd think they are synonymous, but are they. Here's my argument, a few weeks a go a friend invited me to celebrate a birthday. FUN, FUN how often do you have a genuine excuse to dehydrate yourself through dancing (mine is more the jumping up down), for some of us it the only exercise we get. In the course of the night, a 'friend' offers to buy me a drink, now I do enjoy a few on occassion but I declined. RUDE, some might say but we all know what our limits are and responsible serving of alcohol is preached daily. "Playa, I got work tomorrow but thanks anyway", was my response. Now tell me, if you told a friend that, would they
(a) Take a raincheck
(b) Insist on buying you that drink
(c) Walk away mad that you refused a drink.

b was the answer I got then and casually accepted the drink, knowing that it would be irresponsible to consume it. Drink on the table and your 'friend' leaves, what do you do.
(a) Drink it anyway
(b) Offer it to another of your friends that isn't working and wants the drink
(c) wait until your 'friend' leaves and you hide the drink and grab and empty glass

My answer to this particular was trivia was (c) and hope that they wouldn't see that, what a waste of their money. Weeks later the 'friend' tells you that they wanted to get you drunk, and they are your friend. So you tell me, if this is friendship, wouldn't you rather have enemies, at least you know for sure they will not dare get you drunk and make fun of you the next time you meet.

Kman Productions....................................


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