Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Only the Lord and I know what happened during my lab test today, now the lecturer knows; I did absolutley nothing! Last night I went through the lab experiments we'd done over the last 13 weeks hoping that something similar would be tested. My reaction was best captured by the CCTV system installed in the lab, FU*&@G, ^U*&@G, FU*&@!, F%*&@G would have the words I'd have used if I was allowed. 50 minutes into a 50 minute test and I hadn't done anyting, well I had written my name and called the sucide help-line a few times. Murder was the first thought and then realizing that I'd get caught, I contemplated suicide for a good 51 minutes. The test is done, I get a zero! I have passed the razor isle in the uni shopping centre and I am yet to decide whether slit wrists are the way out. I can't take another fail, not now, I have come too far and already have a few fails under my belt. Graduation is so close, so so so close, a fail would kill me. Ruin me I say!

Digital hardware 2, not an easy subject and the hundreds of student who have gone through it know the effort it takes to pass that lab test. Last year was so easy, an assemby language to add 3 numbers and store the result in specific registers. Why wouldn't my lecturer give us an easy task too? Had to be a hard, a FUCKED UP test, zero for Kman I say, zero! You probably think you'd have better huh? Here is the question

write a c program to:
a)measure the frequency of the 0-5 V square wave connected to the input of the mice board. (You had an square wave supply from a wishmaker and you had to connect that output to an ioport0(pin 0 ,........pin 6 or pin 7). ioport0 is an input port for the mice board i.e.

b)periodically display the current frequency of the host pc via the RS232 link as an integer, which f multiplied by 0.1 would give the frequency in KHz. Use printf("...........%d/n/r",number)


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