Saturday, October 15, 2005


car·pool (k�rpl)
n. also car pool

  1. An arrangement whereby several participants or their children travel together in one vehicle, the participants sharing the costs and often taking turns as the driver.

  2. A group, as of commuters or parents, participating in a carpool.

Having seen the dictionary version of what carpooling is, let's get to the heart of the matter. Why carpool? Most of the people I have heard converse of this issue have always brought in the idea of pollution and road congestion. Governments have encouraged carpooling especially in the morning hours and certain capacity cars are allowed 'special' lanes; bus lanes. If you have been on public transport, especially in the morning, you can testify to the thrill of moving faster than the general traffic. There is something about being in a huge vehicle (one that can cause havoc in the wrong hands) and being able to.................... So, governments encourage citizens to take public transport into major cities, one because the roads last longer; fewer vehicles, two, the aren't that many parking spots in major cities. Most driver could attest to the trials and temptations of finding a cheap parking spot and retaining their cool. The idea is essentially to rid the roads of too many personal vehicles and that I believe is ok, let's litter the roads with our cars only during the weekend when we are going shopping.

I am waiting at the bus stop, chilling for my ride into Sydney when a lady pull up and offers a lift. Out in the West I have learnt never to accept rides from even the most harmless looking individuals. As if by reflex I increase the volume on my disc man (yeah, no ipod nano yet) and continue cursing as to why I had to rouse so early. So the gentleman pops in and it got me thinking about carpooling. Is the logic that you go picking people from the bus stops when they have opted to leave the rides at home and catch the Sydney Bus? No, but then again they could have been friends and the ride was open so that we don't feel rejected. If that was the case, then what am I writing about?

Kman Productions...................


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