Tuesday, July 19, 2005

children, our future?

We all recall being told that we were the future of the world, if not it might explain why you didn't any dreams when growing up. I knew I wanted to be head of Micro-Soft Africa, whatever that is and I doubt it even exists. Then again reality has been very kind to me, taught me the basics of life; it sucks big time! Am also sure that you've encountered those screaming kids that throw tantrums whenever they need attention or want something purchased, could be candy, toy or even just for the hell of it irritate the adult/s. I find it hard and mostly pity the adult/s who is/are supervising such kids, I know I wasn't any better but mama's slippers were a good reminder to behave. I wasn't a saint and more than 1 occassion had to face the wrath of mama, actually more times than I care to remember. These days discipline has been taken to a higher level, time-out for naughty kids.

Why weren't the Psychologists fighting for us when we were facing the cane, wooden spoon and if your really unlucky, mama's slippers and bare hands? Am sure those advocating that corporal punishement isn't good were caned at some point in their life, they turned out ok; most of them. Some might be in rehab, jail and some might be dead, we know caning can be taken to extremes. I remember being caned such that I swore I'd kill my teachers, all of them. Today I thank them for having taken the initiative to find fault in me, even when I thought I'd been a 'good' boy. I'd still like to meet some of them in a dark alley, you gotta understand am twice as strong and more fit than most of them now. Surely wouldn't be a contest, then again that's just in my head and I hope I'd never hit an elder. That is unless they were begging for a good ass kicking and I'd have to oblige, you have to pick ones you can whop.

I work in supermarket and have seen my fair share of brats and little 'angels', more like devils agents if you asked me. They throw themselves to the ground demanding attention and the parents/gurdians are lost for action. They can't smack the kids because I've be drilled to report such incidences to the authorities. The brats themselves know their rights better than most adults and even though they can't spell yet, they have memorised the "Mum is Bashing Me" help-line; 1300 JAIL MUM. How discraceful that we are now expected to reason with infants, imagine talking to your dog about 'pooing' all over the new carpet. Before I get hate mail, I am not calling kids dogs although some behave like them. I simply express it, just like one would say barkng at a tree which might be more fruitful that giving a kid time-out. Who on this earth sat down and decided time-out was the answer to misbehaviour? I sure was born too early for my liking, I'd be enjoying time-out even when I skinned the neighbours kitten (yeah I thought of it, but I didn't do it).

Here is what I think, these kids aren't the future we hope they will be and we will have ourselves to blame 20-30 years from now. We are raising kids who don't appreciate the rules of life, you screw up, you pay dearly for it. Soon we will have advocates for time-out for hardcore criminals, talking about they not being responsible for their actions. The world as it is provides us with the opportunity to blame our shortcoming to our up-bringing. "Oh! I raped her because I wasn't cuddled by my mother, I stole because I wasn't provided for by daddy". I can't wait for the day a person will draw out litigation plans against their parents/gurdian. The lawsuit will propose that the 'child' is a criminal because she/he was not disciplined and only got time-out, even when they attempted to drown the neighbour dog.

I fear that should I ever be fortunate enough to have my family, my kids will not be exposed to the hardship and discipline that moulds us to be better citizens. Please understand I am holding out on the kids factor in hope that a president, Prime Minister or King somewhere will allow for caning and corporal punishement. Then I will embark on spreading the seed of my loins and raising these brats in a land I can exert revenge for my many years of discipline. Let's be honest part of the thrill of having kids is the fact that you get to mould them into honourable citizens, caning being a benefit you should be afforded. Whether you chose to use it should rest solely in your hands, not some obese beauracrat with no hope of ever being a parent.

Oh! And yes I have considered a vasectomy and as time passes and the more brats cross my path the more that surgery date draws neigh. Speaking of which what is the right age or appropriate age for marriage? I think people should be given the liberty to exploit the world, make mistakes before finally settling down. Maybe that might solve the high rate of divorce we face to today, but that is my opinion.

Kman Productions


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