Sunday, July 10, 2005

Give me a damn break

Thursday night Sydney time, I receive news that London was subject to terrorist attacks. My first instinct was to pray that Sydney isn't next, they got America, London and what remains is Sydney. The news last week was rather interesting, ASIO Australia's version of the MI5 and MI6 and CIA announced that there was significant evidence that there were plots to attack the nation. Since 911 all we have heard are Alqaeda’s plans to launch another major attack, White people are freaking out. Don't get me wrong, am scared too but I don't obsess over it. One lady at work has vowed never to cross the Sydney harbour bridge again. For those of you not familiar with Sydney, the bridge is one of 3 ways to get to Sydney; city. The alternatives are via Sydney ferries or spend another hour or so meandering through the bush. You have a higher chance of being attacked by a Kangaroo than being caught up in an attack at the bridge.
Back to my day on Friday, the topic for the day as would be expected was the London attacks. Please believe me; I do sympathize with the 'Londoners' who were victims. No one deserves to be terrorized regardless of race or religion. As my lunch break drew near I made it to the tea room, gossip convent. Here you will here more than your share of rumour and gossip about every employee and every relationship they are involved in. I personally don't care; reason being my life at work doesn't mix with my social life (or the lack of in my case). The MC on this day was Michelle, a recently separated woman prying for sympathy from everyone of us. I feel sorry that after 20+ the husband turns out to be an ass, which brings me to another point (marriages at young ages later blog though).
I knew that the first people to be vilified for these attacks would be the Muslim; one can only imagine what they face. I have to admit I have wondered why these thugs always claim to be Muslim; Islam is a faith of peace contrary to what many may want to believe. Michelle’s comments made my blood boil, I have heard silly comments even idiotic suggestion but what she said should be 'criminalized'. "Australia should close its doors to Middle Eastern people; they are bringing war to our country". Pure ignorance and arrogance of her behalf, I don't tolerate such comments, could be because I too am in a minority group. Australia's history is etched by bloodshed and terrorizing Aboriginal groups. For those with an understanding of the Australian culture you'd know that the original settlers here were convicts from Britain and its colonies; mainly British thugs. Anybody in this country except for the Aboriginal community immigrated and none can lay claim of the land (technically that it, but we know the Aborigines have no say in government). So lets say, bar the Middle Eastern people, whose next, African refugees because they are bringing poverty and 3rd world thinking? No words can explain what I felt; my thoughts were on grabbing a noose (not for myself) and hanging her.
How can one person be so dumb and lack the least of intellectual intelligence? I am for Muslims even though I am not a believer in their faith, aren’t they people too. I preach tolerance and getting rid of stereotyping, previous blog 'Where are you from' is testament to this. I have sworn not to ask people what their heritage is, we tend to categorize them with what little negative news we've heard about their country and/or culture. Grow up, bar Middle Eastern people; just because you've been born in Australia doesn't give you the birthright to be an ass. On that note Majority of Australians are very tolerant and accommodating and we shouldn’t stereotype them because of a few baboon minded individuals. Mosques are now being offered extra protection by the police and federal agents, is this what we have come to; terrorizing other citizens because we can’t get the real culprits? Shame on us, guess who wins then?
Kman productions..................................


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