Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I can't, just can't do it

Ever heard a guy say, "am sorry and I apologise"? Yeah me neither, part of my culture and upbringing was never to appear weak or vulnerable;be tough and strong! Now I have never apologised in my life, not once have I had the decency to quote "am sorry". I know I have been wrong on almost everything but, men can't apologise;can they? 1995, school captain for that year and I believe I caused more damage than anyother captain I'd known. Before me, being a captain was synonymus with adhering to law and enforcing it. I didn't care, it was just a get out jail free card that I sure did make use of. What did the panel see in me when they voted for me? I knew I wasn't the best leader in the class, wasn't the smartest either.

Mid year, I got myself into a fight;my fault. Soccer being the only sport in my days, that was until we tried our hand at basketball and haven't looked back since. It was customary to have a sports afternoon on Thursday, the whole school of about 300 brats would make it to the fields. The fields couldn't support that many kids so the higher classes monopolised the games. I was the midfielder in the school team, yeah I was good. An ordinary Thursday and as usual we were in the field playing, the opponent's team was comprised of the best of the lower classes. We were the seniors so we played the rest of the school, no match there. Halfway through the game I am running with the ball cutting through the sides using my trademark long strides and smooth soft touch. Suddenly I am tackled and find myself ingesting grass, I wonder how cows do it; the taste eeew! The tackle wasn't legal and the logical thing was to call for a foul. I did more than that. After much cheering from my classmates, I took to the field fists clenched ready for Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

At 14 years of age I was invincible, nothing could break me and after watching that many Bruce Lee movies, I was him incarnate or so I thought. I confront the 'tackler', Brian and as I do so I can hear my mother's voice in my head, "I will cane you to kingdom come". However mama's voice was quenched by the crowd cheers of "fight, fight, fight". Fight Club right on Moi Academy grounds and I was Brad Pitt never loses. I threw the fast punch and landed square on Brians face, I could swear the earth's rotation stopped. Silence then the all to familiar Kungu crouch I'd mastered from my master Mr. Lee. Everyone is familiar with the crouch, the calling of the opponent with your right hand sticking out. Only thing I was missing then was a film crew; to record my ass being beaten. I lost so badly that the next day I contracted measles, I couldn't go to school for a week after the day. The following day in class not a single person in class could say anything, I was amongst the tough guys; obviously not tough enough. My basher was 4 classes behind me but to my defence was my age mate. He later went to become my sister's boyfriend for a while, that was until the following year I went to high school and returned meaner than ever.

A simple apology on my part could have avoided the fight, yes it was his fault but I could have walked away too. Now that I think about it, I probably lost because measles had been incubating for 2 weeks, isn't that the incubation period? I oughta request a rematch and this time apologise to avoid a further beating, I'd probably take him now though. A year boxing and stress can make a fighter out of any of us. Then again the boy might be packing more mean punches for me and I might not live to tell about the re-match

Kman productions................................


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