Sunday, July 24, 2005

Dieting! Botox! fables

Who among us hasn't been hit with an ad of the latest celebrity diet? I am not one to read tabloid or gossip magazines but in my time I have seen numerous diets, all claiming to be the best. To clarify, I don't diet and I eat what I want when I want; if I can afford it. My wallet is what determines my diet and not my diet determining how much I can spend. As such I have resulted to eating toast and tea for most of my life, gotta tell bad jokes some day. This afternoon I was horrified by a group of teenage girls, couldn't be more than 13-14yrs. They were shopping for yoghurt that was least likely to cause cancer, even better they were reading the content label to gauge how much fat they were going to ingest. Short of banging my head against a pole, I silently evesdroped; yes I know I should mind my own business. If I did I wouldn't have anything to blog about, more like rant about.

The debate was rather heated and although I didn't agree with their attitude I was rather more taken a-back, they seemed to grasp what the content label was all about. I must also admit that I have never bothered to buy groceries based on the content label, the cheapest is what I would normally buy. I could be shaving valuable years off my life span thinking I am saving on groceries. Back to the girls, after the debate they all settled for different yoghurts and as they left they realised they would have to buy spoons. Nestle make Yogo I believe, chocolate yoghurt and they do provide spoons with their M&M snack pack. I am no genius but as far as dieting and parents are cocerned, too much sugar. After all the effort they settled for Yogo, just because they didn't want to spend 65cts to purchase plastic spoons. If they'd asked I'd have bought the damn spoons. My concern however was that at their age they are worried about gaining that extra pound/kilo and even worse they have completely been misinformed.

Nutritionist claim that certain types of food are bad for us and they may contain carcinogens, I don't doubt that either. Here is what I am having trouble with, will I watch every single atom I ingest and count every calorie I take. I then have to carry a calculator to know exactly how much exercise to do to burn that extra .5calorie that may have found it's way through the cup of tea of not so SKIM milk I had in the morning. Shouldn't kids be playing in the fields brusing their knees once in a while, falling off slides and swings (nothing major of course, I'd hope)? What has happened that kids are now 'calorimeters', it's not enough they are getting boob jobs? Now we have children modelling adult clothes, this way the adults will think they are fat or vertically challenged as some would put it and then try to lose more weight. I know there are slobs out there that are just fat, plain old fat lazy buggers but why is everyone trying to get a six-pack abdomen. I got 4 and I too am aiming for the perfect 6, magic six. However I don't diet, my lifestyle doesn't allow for dieting and if anything I could use all the energy I could use, let's not forget that greasy food too; I need that. People don't go nuts trying to look like Angelina Jolie; wow she's hot! Botox! Who in their right mind want shit injected in their face? I am not anti-dieting or comestic surgery but what is the limit people. Oh! I have a wrinkle only I can see "I need botox". My lips aren't as full as hers, "I need that injection". I wish I could spare that extra fat, just incase I fell ill and was hospitalised for a while. My body has so little fat that I am concerned that should I fall ill (very rare, thank God!), my body would consume muscle (that I got to spare).

Get over it, teenagers don't need dieting tips (unless they are obese) but these girls were more like stick anorexia figures, barbie dolls inclusive of braces of course. Get into the pitch and run, burn that extra joule from the yoghurt you consumed and for God's sake I don't need to be lectured about what is good for me and what is not. Kidneys and the liver isn't there for aesthetic purposes, use them but take care of them too. More on botox later, but first I make myself a meal some lettuce, carrots, breadcrumbs and a slice of fruit. Now look what you have me eating, hand me that phone am ordering pizza.

"Hello Dolmino? I'd like to order a large serving of your most greasy pizzas, garlic bread and a 2lt. diet coke". Gotta have something diet in our meals don't we?
Kman production..........................


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, you know why they're doing all this, don't you? They're doing it for your love. Yeah, i mean you and it must be all your fault. Didn't you say you feel nervous around an attractive woman somewhere back there? Women live for that nervousness!

Also, since every woman is theoretically only one man from the street, whether that man is a father, husband, or employer etc., and since western cultural standards are that the woman must look comely to attract aforementioned love and nervousness, not to mention security, of course she will diet till she drops because it is a way of attaining a solid place in society. Or so the fashion, fitness, and diet pharmaceutical bidness do say.

Which is of course, completely untrue. If a man is only attracted to beauty, then he will be attracted to everyone who is beautiful. So much for security. Now you know the utter lovability of a man who says he loves a woman just as she is.

A woman goes through many different forms during her life; more so than a male peer. It's therefore impractical to base a relationship on physical appearance alone; things like intelligence and lovingness are also important, more so as the couple raises children and grows old together.

Personally, knowing that physicality takes away the brains of both involved, i propose that it should be cloaked; i myself wear a hijab and much prefer having people deal with my mind and personality... i keep the rest for my husband and it's nobody else's business.

And i never have any diets or bad hair days, trust me. Yogurt? Pah.

7:49 pm, July 26, 2005  

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