Thursday, July 21, 2005


What exactly is racism and who is a racist? If I say I prefer to be in the company of my own people would that make me a racist? If I prefer to date within my own race, would I be a racist? If I carry myself to be superior to others because of skin colour, isn't that what racism is all about? A black man talking about racism, that's all we've heard all our lives. What do white people really feel about people of other colours, let's face it your either black or white. Within the white community you might find some darker white people similar to the black people there are different tones too. I really don't get what the big deal with people of different colours and race. What would make me think I am superior/inferior to another person just because they are different from me? People claim it's the white man policy to keep the black man down in the gutter. For the record I am a black man, boy for that matter. I have faced what I'd call racism but nothing worth waging war against. I realise that there are rednecks out there just as there are black people who hate caucasians, some Christians hate Jews vice versa, some muslims hate christians vice versa etc. Nonesense, we all breathe the same air, we are born and we die.

Take a child from every race in the world and put them all in one environment, similar providence for all. Would one grow up to think they are better than the rest of the kids? Maybe or maybe they'd grow up treating each other as equals, why does race even feature in conversations. I am guilty of feeling superior in some aspects because of my race and yet there are times I have felt inferior, still because of my race. Life isn't perfect and trying to lead a perfect life would be a waste of what little time we have to live. What I do believe though, there will always be red necks out there. We could dwell on this matter all our lives or we could move on and lead our own lives to the fullest. I hate rednecks because they are always against my people, one life isn't worth more than another. I am tired or writing about racist SOBs and I hope this is the last I mention racism, that is until the next person brings up issues with my skin colour. I know I am black and I don't you to remind me, I have a mirror plus am not blind either. Cut the crap with race and sort out your shit, get of government aid before bringing clour into any conversation. People I can't reason with, red necks and terrorists, what's the difference?

Kman production


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kman, it is unfortunate that there will always be people who cannot see further than the colour of a man's skin. Before you know anything about them it is the easiest way for ignorant people to classify others. Stereotypes and cultural predeterminations remove any perceived need to actually get to know you. Hey, you're black, so you must be a crook or a crack addict. It's sad, and really quite pathetic. You will always find it is those who have nothing who shout the loudest.

Fear is what drives racists, that and some misguided belief that they have God-given rights that preclude the rights of others. Yes they will quote esoteric statistics and obscure publications to support their claims, but in the end you cannot reason with them because they are completely indoctrinated by fear, anger, and ultimately hatred, and for what? Because someone migrates to their country, works hard and is given preference, advantage, and promotion because of that hard work. Reward eludes them because they are too busy complaining about what they are entitled to because of who and what they are, or believe they are.

1:35 am, July 21, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Genetically, you know, there is no race, only variations of people. Being prejudiced towards someone because of their skin colour makes about as much sense as giving someone a job because of their nostril size, or segregating for eyelash length. Rationally speaking, that is. I've got to tell you; i never really got it. But maybe that's easy for me, coming from the white side of the human spectrum.

One of my employers told me that he used to be a Black Panther in the sixties, and he also worked at the same time for IBM, as their only black exec. I mean, nationwide. The guy was, and is, brilliant. He told me that some of his fellow workers used to have KKK swastikas in the back of their cars. Quite nasty working side by side, as you might expect, and he was subject to all sorts of belligerent ignorance until one day a young fob approached and asked him, 'Just what do you people REALLY WANT?'
To which Richard turned around and bellowed at him, 'TO BE LEFT ALONE!'
They never bothered him again.

Personally, the first time i saw 'the hate stare' was when i went out walking with my new (black) husband. It was pretty scary. I can only imagine what it must be like to get a lifetime of those. Maybe it's something like the derogatory comments you get if you're female. Although i have to admit, i never really got that, either.

2:45 am, July 21, 2005  

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